Are you feeling really cheery -
just like the men of old?
Or are you filled with sin's debris?
Just how's your story told?
Who writes the story of your life?
Who maps your many miles?
Who slashed your insides with a knife?
Who brings you down with trials?
It's always someone else's fault -
It's never ours to claim.
So go on curse - and then assault.
Your friends must be to blame....
Your life is in such disarray.
At times you're feeling blue.
Because you chose your selfish way,
blame must be placed on you.
With deep despair and sinful strife,
your insides churn and burn.
Is that the story of your life -
and you've no place to turn?
So many think they know it all,
they answer every whim.
But those who conquer big and small
have put their faith in Him.
Your whole life's story, who will write?
Who'll map your many miles?
Give God your pen, it's quite alright -
He'll bring you many smiles....
Several people read your book,
each day more print occurs -
so do you know the path you took?
Was roadway, His or yours?
It's your story, it's disclosed,
and every day it's read -
but when God flips the cover closed,
you'll be completely dead.
©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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