"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

April 10, 2008

Our God Reigns! 4-10-08

Mary was a virgin the angel did adorn...
and Christ was born. (Luke 1)
Peter and Andrew, fishermen, and in the net they hauled...
for Jesus called. (Matt 4)
The storm was fierce. On deck the waves had swept...
but Jesus slept. (Matt 8)
The disciples were frightened and thought that they'd be killed...
but Jesus stilled. (Matt 8)
Seeing something on the water Peter questioned, talked...
but Jesus walked. (Matt 14)
So Peter stepped out - and tried he would...
but Jesus could. (Matt 14)
A multitude, five thousand! The disciples unprepared...
but Jesus shared. (Matt 14)
There were only two fish and five loaves of bread...
but Jesus fed. (Matt 14)
Lazarus had died. Four days in a tomb, was kept...
and Jesus wept. (John 11)
They thought it all impossible. They had it all appraised...
But Jesus raised. (John 11)
The disciples would not realize and off to sleep they'd fade...
but Jesus prayed. (Mark 14)
The cup didn't pass and betrayed by a kiss...
Would He remiss? (Luke 22)
Pilate questioned. He hurt the peoples pride...
so Jesus died. (Matt 27)
To stop another miracle, because He many healed...
the stone was sealed. (Matt 27)
The linen lay there neatly. The stone was rolled away...
to their dismay. (Matt 28)
Though dead from head down to His toes...
yes, Jesus rose. (Matt 28)
A lifetime full of miracles - yet some still doubted much...
so Thomas touched. (John 20)
A still, small voice is calling, though the world hates -
He still awaits. (1 Kings 19)
Jesus healed many. The faithful He forgives -
because He lives! (Matt 28)
He loosens all sins darkest chains.
Yes, hallelujah! Our God reigns! (Psalm 47)

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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