"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

December 18, 2008

Family Christmas 12-17-08

Aside from better and the worse,
aside from workers so perverse,
aside from friends who are diverse,
time with those I most converse,
is family.

Aside from jokes on my behalf,
aside from every quip or gaffe,
aside from the whole office staff,
time with those I'd rather laugh,
is family.

Aside from worldly wisdom's trend,
aside from strangers I befriend,
aside from those I can depend,
time with those I'd rather spend,
is family.

Aside from all the lights I see,
aside from all the joy and glee,
aside from any Christmas tree,
the all important thing to me,
is family.

©2008 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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