I bought a house I so adored -
my friends all cheered in great accord.
I borrowed funds on every board
and now my payments, can't afford.
Though every call from bank ignored
I want my credit all restored -
so I can keep my great reward -
so I can buy and not be bored.
High water, I can sometimes ford
and if I could, I'd get on board,
but soon I'll break this final chord -
so loan me patience quickly Lord!
©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Louis, Good picture of what's going on in our country, right now. People have no self control on their spending, starting all the way at the top. Wanting more, wanting bigger- and not having the money to pay for it. Yet, they don't want to pay the consequences of indulgence. Keep up the good work Louis. Miss having you around. ~ a friend