and though forgotten, I will be - these words won't pass away.
They're given to the ages, to people large and small.
They're given to us freely and they're given to us all.
Though I am insignificant - a poem of the hour,
forget my words, but share these two. They have tremendous power.
Do not expect that I'll depict a nature scene with birds -
for soon you'll see me disappear - so first find these two words.
Now Jesus healed the lost and sick and lame in His good time.
He calmed the sea and fed the crowds, but never did the crime.
Yet still today, man scoffs although He never hurt a soul -
and that's why these two words will live beyond the written scroll.
Yes, you'll forget this little poem and soon forget the rhymes,
and soon go back to other things and entertaining times.
But don't forget these two short words and hold them very near.
For these two words, "Jesus Saves!" shall never disappear.
©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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