My heart is very special,
and though it weighs a ton,
I'm careful as it's fragile -
for I have only one.
Though God is love and offers me
the great life I can live -
I first must ask forgiveness
before He will forgive.
However, if I'm hardened
and fail at all to feel -
certainly my tears won't fall
and bring my heart to heal.
So if my heart is harder,
I'll find I cannot cry.
But oh, to shed a single tear -
I'll give it one more try.
I won't despair and cry a lot -
it isn't God's intent,
but if guilt still has season here,
I'll prayerfully repent.
And then perhaps, if flood gates fall,
and tears like rivers flow -
through the valley, shadow's death,
in humbleness, I'll grow.
Jesus loves me, this I know -
throughout these many years -
and on the cross He proved it so -
through all His many tears.
And if my heart I give Him,
while I am torn apart -
He will cup His holy hands
and hold my broken heart.
Peace will grow inside me
as angels soar aloft -
but I won't see the miracle
unless my heart is soft.
©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Mark 6:5 (NASB) And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.
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