"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

February 24, 2012

Hearts 2-24-12

This world has many prideful hearts
that pound like selfish drums,
and angry hearts that sting me so -
until great sorrow comes.

Some hearts are much too busy to
amass a caring thought.
So many think they know it all -
and they cannot be taught.

There are so many greedy hearts
that seldom weep or cry -
and people with a hardened heart,
will never even try.

Now that is when I'm really hurt
by those I could condemn,
but as God whispers soothing words -
it's then I pray for them.

Their hearts are mean and frigid -
and others, simply bad.
Some hearts grow very weary and,
some others are so sad.

Relationships will often die
before hearts carved in trees -
and only God can mend those hearts -
above two humbled knees.

Some hearts are very fragile -
as fine, thin window glass -
that break our friends to pieces when,
they see a loved one pass.

Their troubled hearts are shattered and -
some have been many years.
Those heavy hearts still only pump
up moisture into tears.

It seems that soft and tender hearts
hurt most when torn apart -
but it's okay God gave me one.
I'm blessed to have this heart.

And God once formed a special heart,
so lovingly and rare.
It is unique and that is why -
my mom's beyond compare.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 23, 2012

Thank You! 2-23-12

I felt I was trampled by thousand-cow herd -
and hoped I could write it in poetic word -
but first I sat down and I started to pray,
and saw God's creation so all I could say,
was "Thank You!"

My eyes rose up high to a picturesque sky -
while thoughts ran off rampant to years gone by -
where burdens all settled on one special day,
that flooded my soul - so all I could say,
was "Thank you!"

Though breezes blow storm clouds around to and fro -
and every so often still trouble me so -
the sun always shines above all the fray,
dispersing the storm clouds - so all I can say,
is "Thank You!"

A rainbow appears o'er the old rugged cross -
a cross much more painful than my finite loss.
A sacrifice, perfect - but that was God's way.
And now tears are falling and all I can pray,
is "Thank You!"

"Thank You for mangers, Your great humbleness.
Thank You for crosses and all who You bless.
Thank You for being the God that You are.
Thank You for wearing those great many scar.

"Thank You for grace that's so endlessly pure.
Thank You for strength that will always endure.
Thank You for showing a new perspective.
Thank You for faith and a brand new directive.

"Thank You for children who make my heart glow.
Thank You for loving them now as they grow.
Thank You for teaching them how to respect.
Thank You for blessings despite my neglect.

"Thank You for lifting me out of sins' hole.
Thank You for Pastors who challenge my soul.
Thank You for churches, all joined at the hip -
and thank you for friends and the great fellowship."

So now when I'm trampled and my life is blurred -
I open my Bible - God's great living Word.
It's then I see clearly, it's then I can pray -
and though I'm tore open, it's all I can say.
"Oh, Thank You!"

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 22, 2012

One Exceptional Word 2-22-12

For hours and hours I lay in my bed
as thoughts of new poetry enter my head.
I want to help others - so many abused -
and wonder if one special word could be used...

With each crying mother, child or dad -
what one perfect word can stop making them sad?
Can there be some comfort with something inferred?
...or maybe there is one exceptional word.

One single word that forgets all our past -
one single word that brings peace at last.
One single word that is really worthwhile -
replacing our tears into our biggest smiles!

So could it be 'faithful' or could it be 'grace' -
or maybe it's 'love', if even a trace...
Maybe 'forgiveness' or maybe 'confessed' -
or maybe it's 'thankful' or maybe it's 'blessed'.

It might be 'repentance' or even 'salvation' -
or maybe its 'Bible' or 'sanctification'.
It still could be 'cross' if anyone cares...
or maybe, just maybe, it's in all our 'prayers'...

So here in my bed, I've laid hours and hours -
some day to replace it with casket and flowers.
Oh, how will I say it and will it be heard -
when lips utter, 'Jesus' - my very first word?

that 'word' - just a 'name' - but it happens to be,
the Name above all names. He cares about me.
He cares for you too so get down on your knees -
(even if one of the 'least of these')...

'Jesus' - the word that belongs to God's Son -
'Jesus' - the Name who still 'loves' everyone.
Jesus 'forgets' everything in our 'past' -
Jesus, our Savior, who grants 'peace' at last.

Physical, emotional pain - all there is...
He takes all our scars - and He puts them on His.
Soon, we will forget all our fears and our tears -
when living with Jesus, eternity's years.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 14, 2012

Feel The Breeze? 2-14-12

See the waves?
Hear the seas?
Smell the shore?
Feel the breeze?

WAVES of sin; Virgin birth;
God so loved; Walked the earth.
Healed the sick; Raised the dead;
Calmed the storms; Thousands fed.

SEAS of hate; "Crucify!"
Bloody Cross, standing high.
In my place, Jesus died;
God in flesh; Crucified.

SHORE of death; Crossed alone;
Buried deep; Sealed in stone.
God's command; Christ arose.
Death is dead; Hell exposed.

BREEZE of God, graces dawn.
Spirit fills; sin is gone.
Feed His sheep; Break His bread;
Drink His wine; Spirit fed.

See the waves?
Hear the seas?
Smell the shore?
Feel the breeze...?

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 11, 2012

The Gun Fight! 2-11-12

The sun was rising in the east
behind some hitching posts -
and weathered boards, on buildings old,
had nothing left to boast.

But I wore fancy cowboy duds,
I was a handsome sight.
A crowd of people gathered 'round
to watch this old gun fight.

The street was dead and empty
except for sin and I.
I somehow ended up out here.
I'm really not sure why.

A bullet? Very perilous
if we've no self-control -
and sin is much more dangerous,
because it kills the soul.

Now noon met with humidity.
The sun was dry and hot.
Some beads of sweat rolled down my face -
my stomach, in a knot.

But no, I wasn't nervous -
though duel had begun.
I counted out ten paces -
then turned and drew my gun.

But sin is faster, furious -
much quicker than the eye.
Oh please! Dear Lord and Saviour -
I do not want to die!

And then... in just an instant,
I dropped down to my knees.
I fell as peace passed over me
and felt the gentle breeze.

But something stood in front of me.
Its shadow crossed my face.
I then saw Jesus on that cross.
He took my very place.

Ashamed, I dropped my pistol.
My pride was killed that day -
as I pulled off my fancy boots
and flung my hat away.

Now humbled on the dusty street
with crowded eyes on me -
my every pride had vanished as
I learned humility.

In faithfulness, I stood again,
though I was at a loss...
Oh, how could Jesus love me so
from that old rugged cross?

The sun was setting in the west
behind some hitching posts.
And weathered boards, on buildings old,
had nothing left to boast.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 8, 2012

A Brand New Start 2-8-12

In the beginning God had made
foundation's rock where I have laid -
all my troubles, all my lies -
all my heartaches, all my cries -
all my burdens, all my sin -
all my heartaches here within.

But now, a Christian, I ride seas,
ride His oceans, ride His breeze -
ride His clouds where angels live -
optimistic, positive -
high on grace and high on love -
high on Jesus, free above!

A God of love, a God of peace,
a God of hope where sorrows cease -
where I have gained and hold no loss
because of Jesus and the cross -
because of grace that pardoned me -
because of faith that sets me free!

And all that my dear Savior knows,
my Comforter and Spirit shows -
in the Heavens, where God built -
a place where flowers will not wilt -
a place where Angels sing in voice -
a place where Christians will rejoice!

So pray for father, sister, mother,
brother, friends and one another,
fellow workers, enemies -
and ne'er forget the 'least of these'.
For those who give a broken heart -
will then receive a brand new start.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 5, 2012

A Joyous Life 2-5-12

Burned alive, my soul was,
despite my swings and thrashes -
and I had been completely dead,
a filthy heap of ashes.

And Heaven, I forgot about
when living with the masses.
So futile there, my soul was -
and learned life quickly passes.

Excuses weren't accepted.
Results were very vile.
I had to stop and think a bit -
and cry for quite awhile.

But that was then and this is now.
I want you all to see -
that I had no one else to blame
except for 'little me'.

Then sought I Jesus, by and by,
above the clouds and birds.
His grace was free. Now so am I
to leave these loving words:

If you would simply just repent -
and let His Spirit free -
through faith, you'll find a joyous life
and so contented be.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
