"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

December 29, 2013

Harmony 12-29-13

Each one of us is special here -
individually -
with 'whites' in a majority
and 'blacks', minority.
But melody is harmonized
if peacefulness draws near,
if individual respect
is faithful and sincere.

It's true, we've only known the shoes
that we have grown up in -
but oftentimes these thoughts we think
are ugliness and sin.
But beautiful, the music is,
if we can see it through,
if we can lift the fall-board up
and know what we must do.

Though some still try to group the white,
acknowledge not, the black -
and others try to group the black
to fill a money sack -
the moral of the story here
is not to follow these -
but rather the fine melody -
the music we can't see.

Now look at the piano keys.
Do you see black and white?
Yet beautiful the music is,
performed together right.
For God so loved this very world -
and everyone we see -
but yet created harmony -
as it was meant to be.

©2013 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 22, 2013

The Brightest Light 12-22-13

Community, they were as one,
the trimmings on the tree,
but boasted, of their beauty, all,
as each could plainly see.
The Christmas lights were arguing,
the red ones and the blue,
but then the green lights got involved,
the orange and yellow too.

Their vain ambitions drew the eye,
as others looked at them.
They craved it all and each had thought,
"I'm such a precious gem."
So all the lights and ornaments
with all the tinsel too,
continued with their arguments
on who was 'besting' who.

Then shaking all, a booming voice,
was heard from very top
and it had brought the bickering
to prompt and sudden stop.
Yes, way atop the Christmas tree
and higher than the rest,
this star had boasted he, by far,
was brightest and the best.

Crescendo'ed then, because of this
intimidating sight,
Applause arose for brilliant star-
indeed, the brightest light.
Contented they had seemed to be,
to look to such a thing,
but then the lowest, weakest light
saw something int'resting...

She yelled up through the branches, "Please!
Oh, this we must discuss!"
She said, "From here, I plainly see
a 'stand' is holding us."
Black pupils drooped in every eye
as low as they could go -
but all the rest were just too high
to see so far below.

And star, the farthest from the floor,
no, couldn't see from there,
so up on top of his own world
he glanced out in a glare,
"Are some of you believing her?
Why think you're going to fall?
Who shines the greatest in this room?
Trust me.  I'm over all!"

So then, in unison they sang,
in perfect harmony,
"We don't believe in anything
if it, we cannot see."
That saddened, then, the lowest light.
Again she tried to shout -
but all she did was flicker some -
and then, at last, burned out.

The 'stand' was doing all he could,
with all his muscled might -
but finally he lost his grip
to keep that tree upright.
So timbered it, the tree and all.
It fell so hard and far.
And all was shattered into bits
with bright and mighty star.

The moral of this story is:
Seek truth and do not fight.
Let others see you differently
within your little light.
Be humble.  Do not crave mere fame
when shining on this earth -
but glory, rather, give to God
and Jesus' precious birth.

Merry Christmas!

©2013 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


On who do we stand?

December 20, 2013

No Cookies From Grandma 12-20-13

No one was to blame but it wasn't the same
without fireplace or a flickering flame.
No stockings to see and no cider or tea,
not even a little ol' Christmas tree.

No raking the leaves, no lights strung on eves,
no lock on the handle to deter the thieves.
No wreath on the door and no presents galore,
no records on turntables played there before.

No mistletoe hung for the old and the young,
no cookies from grandma to sweeten the tongue.
No brownies were found nor was snow on the ground.
No lit decorations were scattered around.

No bell's ding-a-ling, no voice caroling-ing,
no joyous old hymns and no people out singing.
No bright, shiny wrapping, nobody was clapping
'cause one little child was tired and napping.

No pine needles fell but there sure was a smell,
yet everything happened as planned.  All was well.
Rejoice it.  Discuss, for it all was for us -
the wonderful birth of our savior, Jesus!

Merry Christmas!  Merry Christmas!

©2013 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 16, 2013

Christmas, In Silence 12-16-13

The house now is lifeless with rooms plain and bare.
Though silence is eerie, does anyone care?

Remember, I do, our tree sure looked good -
but corner's now empty where it had once stood.

I sat for awhile on the cool, dusty floor -
reflecting on failures.  Could I have done more?

I know I have no one - have no one to blame -
but with mom and dad gone, it isn't the same.

The cupboards are barren - and too, every shelf.
The emptiness here now resembles myself.

Time marches on by - like it's tethered to sin!
Oh, to have Christmas with fam'ly again!

Such colorful lights had once brightened this place -
but visions of mom now bring tears to my face.

Our hopes and our dreams seemed to lift spirits high,
but now with house vacant, tears come ...and don't die.

My steps sound so hollow and echo in rhyme -
but mock me out loud for the very last time.

Spend time with your parents.  Please figure out how -
to get all your work done and visit them now.
Sin separates us from the joys of creation.
Without Christmas day there's no hope of salvation!

So celebrate Christmas!  Do not be afraid!
Kneel humbly to Christ... who, in manger, once laid.
Kneel humbly to Christ...
Kneel humbly...
This world throws the wrapping - with big, greedy eyes
but Christmas, in stillness, is joyously wise.

Such great revelations do not shout with pride -
but rather reveal, through whispers, our Guide.

The house now is lifeless with rooms plain and bare.
Though silence is eerie, does anyone care?

©2013 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 14, 2013

Merry Christmas! 12-14-13

A privilege, my rights aren't.  They come straight from God.
I find it offensive, I find it quite odd -
I can't say "Christ Jesus" whom God did exalt?
If someone's offended, it isn't my fault.

I am not offended when someone tells me -
they worship to baal on their bended knee.
I say, "Merry Christmas!"  I say it out loud.
I dare someone tell me it isn't allowed.

So say, "Merry Christmas!" and say it to all -
yell it from rooftops but gently in mall -
for this is the season that we all take part.
Just say it sincerely and deep from your heart.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 12, 2013

Something Tugged Me 12-12-13

The stars sparkled brightly above frigid sky
and then something tugged me.  I didn't know why.

In fresh-fallen snow at the end of the day
were parallel tracks from a horse-driven sleigh -
which led down the road to the center of town.
I followed those tracks and I looked all around.

Nativity scenes were all scattered about,
but one seemed quite diff'rent.  It seemed to reach out.
And there, sure enough, the closer I trod,
I saw a few movements which seemed somewhat odd.

On one side, a lamb laid - on other, stood goat -
and Joseph and Mary were wearing a coat.
The babe was a doll and was there in between.
Yes, this was a living Nativity scene!

My eyes took this in as my thoughts had explored.
The "stable" was built out of painted cardboard.
And though it was made kind of flimsy and cheap,
the shepherds were there with the "baby" asleep.

The wise men held presents with paper and bow
as colorful lighting reflected off snow.
The cold was quite icy.  The dark dampened air
had frozen my cheeks as I tarried out there.

The genuine smiles on faces were real.
The spirit of Christmas was something to feel.
Then Mary's eyes twinkled - and with wink and nod,
she mouthed the words slowly, "Yes, the Son of God."

This Christ child would give of Himself and then die.
So question that came to me was...  How could I?
Oh, how could I love those who hated me so?
And how could I die for sins I didn't owe?

The stars sparkled brightly above frigid sky
and then something tugged me.  And now I know why.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 7, 2013

Tell Me Why 12-7-13

The lady... she was weeping.
It saddened me to see -
that she was drawn within herself
and just as sad as me.

I asked if she was hungry.
I asked if she was late.
I asked her if she had a home.
I asked her if she ate.

She shook her head at each of these
short questions that I asked.
I knew I had to help her though.
I knew this was my task.

I also knew I had no cash -
and all this made me sad.
For I was just as homeless too.
I lost the job I had.

To find a place for her to live
and put food on her shelf -
oh, how could I do just one thing -
when I can't help myself?

All I could do was wish her well.
I had no more to say.
My stomach soured and I wept 
as I had walked away.

Some children laughed and giggled with
their mother from a store.
Ignored, the old and lonely ones
that my heart bleeds out for.

And then I prayed.  Oh, how I prayed -
that time would hasten by.
It hurts the most at Christmas time.
Please, someone, tell me why.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
