"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

April 20, 2015

Not Me & Not You 4-20-15

I may be old fashioned and that's why I'm shunned -
so don't stare there gawking, confused and so stunned.

Don't judge me because of my deafness and age.
Don't judge me because I may seem disengaged.

Don't judge me because of my old wrinkled face.
Don't judge me because I still live in this place.

Don't judge me because of the place where I work -
whether a bus-boy, a cashier or clerk.

Don't judge me because you've more money than I.
Don't judge me because I will frequently cry.

Don't judge me because of my father or mother -
my country, my neighbors, my sister or brother.

Don't judge my defining complete families -
one father, one mother with full liberties.

Don't judge me because of the car that I drive.
Don't judge me because I don't lie and connive.

Don't judge me because I'm no drunk or narcotic,
but proud and committed and most patriotic.

Don't judge me because I'll defend our top law,
our God-given rights that I hold up in awe.

Don't judge me when tears 'well up' into my eyes
whenever there's terror - as each child dies.

Don't judge me because I respect unborn life
and give of my morsels to slow down the strife.

Don't judge me because I've so little to give.
Don't judge me because I've so few years to live.

Don't judge me because of the morals you lack.
May modesty, love and respect return back.

Don't judge me because I will do no one harm.
Don't judge me because I live on a small farm.

Don't judge me because of the clothes that I wear.
Don't judge me because you will not hear me swear.

Don't judge me because I might be a bit shy,
don't envy your assets, cheat, steal or lie.

Don't judge me because I have faith in my God.
Don't judge me that day when I lie under sod.

Do you love your money, your laughter and fun?
Have you fed the hungry?  Hmm, what have you done?

Don't judge me because you have food on your shelf,
but look in the mirror and then judge yourself.

Look into your eyes - deep into your soul -
and see if there isn't one speck of dark coal.

Admit to yourself and Creator above -
that 'things' are but idols that pilfer your love.

Repent of your selfishness, envy and pride,
then give up your greed and embrace Heaven's side.

Contentment, you'll find, as your burdens decrease.
When Jesus comes into your heart, you'll find peace.

Don't face it, ignore it - but life ends.  It's true.
And God will be judging.  Not me and not you.

©2015 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


April 16, 2015

Wish the Fish 11 (love) 4-16-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
The church seemed very quiet there
below each ocean wave -
and blessed, a special mother was,
because her son behaved.
He didn't whine, he didn't squirm,
he didn't make a sound -
and sat so still and reverently
when off'ring came around.

The doctor bills had taken all -
so money?  She had none.
The off'ring plate had passed her by
- but not her little son.
Inside his 'hand', his tiny fin
where heart and love enjoin,
a 'clink' had echoed through the church.
Dropped in, his little coin.

Her heart was heavy knowing that
she couldn't show more love -
by doing things for her small son
she thought the world of -
...like take him to some baseball games,
go camping after dark -
...like going on vacations,
or to amusement park.

Then after church, as sun came out,
as pastor shook each hand,
as mom and son had left the church -
the pastor didn't stand.
He knelt through socializing noise
with laughter in the air -
and shook the hand of her young boy,
there in his wheel chair.

That night when they knelt down to pray
for animal and bird -
and other fish throughout the sea,
his little voice, she heard.
Despite their plight, his pleading prayer
was for a hungry boy -
so fail, she did, containing tears
from overwhelming joy.

With tear-stained cheeks, so proud she was -
the way that he had prayed -
in humble, true sincerity -
with love for poor displayed.
His meager off'ring, God had blessed
as sleep had passed his way.
They say the ocean level rose -
a thousand tears that day.

Now folded up in closet dark,
a dusty wheelchair -
but wholesome legacy of love
is still expanding there -
where coins drop in the off'ring plates
below each ocean wave.
And blessed, a special mother is,
with treasured mem'ries saved.
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)
Grandpa Koi (introduced in story 08)
Farmer Flounder (introduced in story 08)
Catfish Jim (introduced in story 10)

April 5, 2015

Wish the Fish 10 (compassion) 4-5-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
He seemed to be at his wits end
when Wish the Fish said to his friend,
"Please be at peace in reverent mood.
Do not do drugs or eat junk food.
Chew up your food and do not choke
and do not drink or snort or smoke."

But listen?  Wish's friend did not.
Bad habits grew in him a lot.
He didn't try to change his ways
and he seemed always in a daze.
His friend was Catfish, Catfish Jim -
and habits got the best of him.

"Just stay away!  Leave me alone.
Your voice has a disdainful tone.
Don't preach to me and do not call.
You always think you know it all.
Keep all your morals to yourself.
Leave me alone.  I love myself."

So Wish the Fish went on his way.
And time went on - day after day.
He prayed for Catfish Jim, of course,
to Father God, creation's source.
But facts of life are always true.
The same for me.  The same for you.

Are we diff'rent?  Are we special?
Do we expect a miracle?
Well, Jim called from the hospital.
He said, "I'm down... feeling awful."
Wish visited, but things looked grim.
There looking sad, was Catfish Jim.

"The doctor says that there's no hope.
I can't survive this downward slope.
I wish, good habits, I'd exchanged -
for good ones.  How I wish I'd changed.
You tried to help - so thank you Wish.
You tried to warn this stubborn fish."

Well, God will often answer prayer
and blesses us in loving care
that brings new hope and miracles
and stands us up on pinnacles.
New life for Catfish had begun.
He testifies to everyone!
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)
Grandpa Koi (introduced in story 08)
Farmer Flounder (introduced in story 08)
Catfish Jim (introduced in story 10)

April 2, 2015

Wish the Fish 09 (integrity) 4-2-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
To show respect, they all stood up.
Wish wished this day would pass.
It couldn't be!  But yes, it was!
The judge was Big Mouth Bass!

The prosecutor raised his voice,
"His reputation's filthy!
He brags, he cheats, he steals, he lies.
He's guilty, guilty, guilty!

"I'll prove beyond a shadow's doubt -
That Wish is a disgrace!
His actions have dishonored us!
I know we'll win this case."

Well, Wish the Fish was quite perplexed
at all the accusations.
He didn't want to be in court
guarding reputation.

These 'trumped up' charges couldn't be.
His character was strong!
Profusely, Wish was sweating now -
with bubbles large and long.

But something odd occurred just then.
As far as eye could see,
a line so long it wrapped the town -
parading endlessly.

And one by one they took the stand -
(character witnesses).
They told the judge just who Wish was
in lauding sentences.

They said that Wish was honest and
he never misbehaved.
They said he had integrity
and to the poor, he gave.

He turned red with embarrassment
at their kind words he heard.
And never had a court seen this.
It really was absurd.

They gave such praise at who he was
it seemed so very weird.
For such a long time this went on
that Wish had grown a beard.

Judge Big Mouth Bass thought very hard.
He fought himself inside.
Would Wish the Fish be guilty now?
Which way would he decide?

Judge Bass made his decision then.
It went something like this:
"I don't like Wish - but know him well.
All charges I dismiss."
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)
Grandpa Koi (introduced in story 08)
Farmer Flounder (introduced in story 08)