"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

June 18, 2016

Your Great Reward 6-18-16

I prayed, "I was grabbed."
Jesus asked, "Were you nabbed?"

I said, "I was controlled."
Jesus asked, "Were you sold?"

I said, "I was teased."
Jesus asked, "Were you seized?"

I said, "I was stalked."
Jesus asked, "Were you mocked?"

I said, "I had cried."
Jesus asked, "Were you 'tried'?"

I said, "I was used."
Jesus asked, "Were you accused?"

I said, "They were cheatin'."
Jesus asked,"Were you beaten?"

I said, "I was stripped."
Jesus asked, "Were you whipped?"

I said, "I was jailed."
Jesus asked, "Were you nailed?"
I said, "I sat in dung."
Jesus asked, "Were you hung?"
I said, "I was a slave."
Jesus said, "I forgave."
(longer pause)
I said feebly, "I cried and cried..."
Jesus said, "I died."

With heavy heart, I said, "Forgive me."
Jesus said simply, "Follow me."

I repeated, "Forgive me please!"
And Jesus said, "The least of these."

I said, "To the truth, I've been asleep."
So Jesus said, "Come.  Feed my sheep."

Then I said, "I've been awakened."
Jesus added, "...but never forsaken."

I said, "I can see!  Heaven has opened up!"
Jesus said, "You are free.  Take my cup."

I said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord."
And Jesus said, "It is prepared- your great reward."

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 12, 2016

Master Poet, The 6-12-16

Became a nightmare from a dream,
"Give us Barabbas!" was the scream.
If I was in that crowd that day,
would I have fought or run away?
Would I act like some animal?
Would I have been part of the brawl?
Would I, like Peter, tell a lie?
Would I deny, deny, deny?

The Master Poet's life?  A blur.
Misunderstood, His 'poems' were.
His verses soared away as birds.
Few understood His humble words.
Corrupted way before the lung,
and then deciphered off the tongue.
If it were me, what would I do?
His love for souls- oh was it true?

So nailed Him they, on cross, on hill.
Should Christ's bust be on pedestal?
With timbers rugged, timbers crossed,
He died up there and all seemed lost.
There were no melodies to hear.
There were no notes to bend the ear.
There was no music, nor a song.
There was no harp to play along.
His words we seldom understand.
Their meanings more than music and
the other things that thieve our days -
our busy lives and lazy ways.
His harmony we mustn't fear,
for Psalms are music to the ear.
Indeed, the Master Poet lives -
and gives and gives and gives and gives...

©2016 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 6:20 (KJV)
But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

June 2, 2016

Great White Knight, The 6-2-16

Came self-proclaimed, the Great White Knight -
and asked us all with him unite -
against the greater parasite -
the wicked snake of poisoned bite.

But it is 'he', I now indict -
exposing lies, none even trite -
with boast, with cuss, with sneer, with spite.
It's not okay and not alright.

I'd rather stand on moral height -
and never cease to do what's right -
not waving truce of coward's white -
but rather fight good freedom's fight.

For God's law is foundation's light -
exposing evil's vicious smite -
which violates the weak in fright -
all through the day and through the night.

Come forth, therefore, in all your might -
for God has blessed us with insight.
Though they both seem to be polite,
they're dangerous, as dynamite.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Do not continue to vote for the lesser, vile people
and then pray to God for mercy.
Find a Godly leader and then vote FOR him or her
and then pray for that leader.