"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

January 13, 2018

His Land 1-13-18

I think I have solutions to
our country's deep disgrace.
I think I have the answers to
the problems that we face.

Yet heroes fought and died for me,
so who am I to brag?
Oh, who am I to claim to be
the bearer of our flag?

Deserve I little comfort now.
Let bombs burst in the sky!
While I encumber those like me
our taxes go sky high.

I vote for those who promise things,
that put food on my shelf.
I vote for free stuff I can get
that benefits myself.

Are we a nation full of sin
that we have not a clue?
Greed has so unraveled threads
of our red, white and blue.

The red continues running as
the white becomes blood-stained.
The blue has faded into gray.
We all should be ashamed.

And politician's greed and graft
I also will speak of.
It seems that they have helped themselves.
For country, they've no love.

Great heroes fought and died for them,
so who are they to brag?
And who are they to claim to be
the bearers of our flag?

If they, nor I, have right to bear
our flag that we hold high -
then who can be our leaders now
when all we do is lie?

With lobbyists and twisted words
our country cannot stand.
Yes, God will one day judge us all -
for this is still His land.

©2018 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
