"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

May 19, 2021

Simple Poem 5-19-21

This simple poem is just to say
that we are so caressed.
Through God's agape love and grace,
our souls are richly blessed.

If we think we deserve His love,
then we're completely wrong.
For Jesus hung on wicked cross
where really, we belong.

We don't deserve one bless-ed thing
that God has given us.
And that's my simple poem now.
There's no more to discuss.

©2021 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 3:16
"For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life."

May 1, 2021

Pain For Peace 5-1-21

Pain's misery is haunting.  Good health is best to keep.
This cancer is unbearable, it keeps me from my sleep.
I've been so many months with pain, I don't know what it's like
to break free from these awful pains; to walk, to jog, to bike.
I don't remember what it's like to live without this pain
and it continues stabbing me.  I'm going now, insane.
Now God still holds the miracle and God is still in power
and God can take all pain away in these, each precious hour.

I pray, "Dear Lord, deliver me, if it is in Your will,
and take this awful pain away that I'm enduring still.
I do not have the answers and I do not have the voice.
I do not have the fortitude and do not have the choice.
I don't deserve forgiveness and I don't deserve Your love,
for I have sinned against Your will and Heaven there above.
But grace has set me free from sin.  You've healed me spiritually,
so if Your will is so inclined, please heal me physically."

So many care. So many pray.  So many read my words,
but I would give it all away to fly among the birds.
The blue skies seem so endless up above the tallest tree.
Birds seem to be so free of pain and soar above so free.
I'd praise my Lord with ev'ry song, with ev'ry line and verse.
And could it be, long life on earth, is just a wicked curse?
But if God wills, I'll stay on earth where pain may never cease.
Yet should He will to take this 'cup', I'll trade this pain for peace.

©2021 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


NOTE:  A day or two after I wrote this poem the pain left me.
God does answer prayers and I thank all who have prayed for me.
May these words praise His name, (not the author).
Thank you Jesus!