Who hugs the little children,
abused and all alone -
if no one cares to look for them?
Real, but yet unknown.
Who hugs the hurting mothers,
(for many have been used) -
if no one cares to look for them?
Real, but yet abused.
Who hugs the unborn babies -
discarded in the trash?
Can life be kissed back into them -
or brought back with our cash?
So many different ways, there are -
that powerful abort -
the old, the young, the innocent,
who have their lives cut short.
The weak, the sick, the handicapped,
are also not exempt -
from those who hold lives in their hands,
below their deep contempt.
The rest of us just sit around,
as if we do not care -
but if their target's placed on us?
"Oh no, they wouldn't dare!"
Focused, if we are, on self,
then we will never see -
an end to all the violence and...
more victims there will be.
Decisions have been rendered.
The damage has been done -
though maybe not affecting us,
it matters to each one.
For God so loved the world.
He listens to each prayer.
He knows if talk is just mere words -
or if each we really care.
Please Vote Responsibly!
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