"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

January 22, 2013

Stalking Us 1-22-13

You follow me and haunt me
in terrorizing ways.
Your silence keeps me guessing here
in my most frightened gaze.

Sometimes you stalk me from my left -
and sometimes from my right.
Sometimes you're right in front of me -
or just beyond my sight.

Sometimes taller, you appear,
intimidatingly -
and every day I see you here,
I simply want to flee.

To add some distance, I sometimes
accelerate my pace.
Yet matters not, my quickened step,
I can't increase the space.

You march 'lock-step' along with me
and blatantly impede -
my privacy and liberties
exacting my same speed.

I get enraged and shake my fists -
but you make your fists too.
Once and for all, I'd be so glad
to rid myself of you.

You hang around me mimicking!
I plead with you - just GO!!
I find myself at my wit's end
escaping my own shadow.

Oh yes, just like our shadows,
temptation follows us -
stalking us where e'er we go.
That's why we need Jesus.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


January 12, 2013

Reminiscing 1-12-13

Something way down deep inside
my lost and lonely soul -
had eaten me until I died
of all my self-control.

Then someone special lent a hand
that I did not deserve -
and touched an inner fragile strand -
a close and tender nerve.

I knew not what to make of it -
that kind, unselfish act.
My knees got weak and I admit -
was thankful.  That's a fact.

And then I sensed a flicker as
a flame on candle waves -
and saw their bumper sticker
that read, "Smile!  Jesus Saves!"

Then something in my reddened eyes
had made it hard to see -
choked up, I was, and all my cries
came pouring out of me.

So stunned in awe, I stopped to think
of all I'm guilty of.
I know my sin - once set in ink -
was wiped away with love.

Now, reminiscing has a way
to judge my many years -
so hymns in church on Sunday's now -
still well my eyes with tears.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


January 10, 2013

Obeyed? 1-10-13

Here is another true story poem (summer 1934)
about my grandmother (Ida) and my mother (Ruth)
who traveled every day between their farm at North Clayton, Wisconsin
to to deliver cream to Soldier's Grove as told to me by my mother.
(Told in 'first person' from my mother's perspective...)

I had got on and sat upon our wagon load of goods.
all set to view the country hue on rustic road through woods.
But mom said no, I couldn't go.  I rarely ever stayed -
but this time did so down I slid.  I'm glad that I obeyed.

Our old wagon, always saggin' had rough, rugged boards -
but it did hold that precious load as she had started towards -
the creamery - a guarantee - of how we paid our bills -
in such a life, excessive strife - through vale against the hills.

She left that day on road of clay delivering with care -
four dusty mile - with grimaced smile - and cream that must get there.
Familiar sounds - some barking hounds, a crow up in a tree -
and tough routine, unlike a queen, that she would never see.

Out of the blue without a clue -around a curve and hill -
a drunken guy - flew passing by - like she was sitting still -
then ripped the side of Topsy's hide and threw mom off her seat.
She landed hard, but not too scarred, between the horses feet.

Though somewhat numb, she scrambled some from under hooves and wheels.
A bit perplexed, what happened next - she scrambled and did feel,
a massive rock where she took stock and hid as God provides.
Protected there in silent prayer from grace that never hides.

Some seconds spent, bewilderment, that held them there at bay -
so trampled not, she never got - before they ran away.
She tried to nurse ol' Topsy's curse.  Oh, why did God allow -
old Topsy's death with its last breath and further hardships now?

The wagon load could not be sold.  I thought that I would scream.
But mama taught that I ought not - to cry over spilled cream.
Is life not fair?  Does God not care?  Well, mama knew His way...
Obeyed was why - so safe was I.  She thanked the Lord that day.

I had got on and sat upon our wagon load of goods.
all set to view the country hue on rustic road through woods.
But mom said no, I couldn't go.  I rarely ever stayed -
but this time did so down I slid - and glad that I obeyed.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


January 7, 2013

Life Was... 1-7-13

(A true story poem from the summer of 1934 in
Wisconsin as told to me by my mother, Ruth)

Worked like a mule, when not in school, below the scorching sun.
I couldn't treat my calloused feet.  My work was never done.

Near idle plows, I milked the cows.  A barn, we didn't have -
but under stars, the land was ours and where our cows would calve.

With weary hands I filled the cans.  Their tails they would flick -
and sting my eyes while swatting flies.  Then bucket, they would kick.

Two hours flat, was done with that, from my familiar stool.
The cows backed off their drinking trough where I put milk to cool.

The morning after, I worked faster, hitching up the team.
One called Nancy, the other Topsy - hauled our milk and cream.

Those two old nags had swayback sags.  They were a stubborn lot.
I must confess, they lacked finesse.  Race horses, they were not.

The wagon bad, but all we had, so up my brother climbed.
The little whelp was not much help, but "Giddy-up!" he chimed.

As we would sing, the cans would cling the four miles into town.
Population:  Twenty seven - but that's if we're around.

With morning sun, that work was done - but now, another day.
We'd fertilize while bread would rise and maybe stack some hay.

I always worked - and never shirked - my duties.  I was nine.
But God gave strength to me at length - and life was truly fine.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


January 5, 2013

With Jesus Back 1-5-13

The clouds had wept, yet sun had kept
enough light on my mind -
that I could see weak memories -
that I could never find.

I, at a loss, to see this cross
and of its fuller meaning -
had pondered some and when was done
had saw it all as 'feeling'.

But truth be told, it is of old,
the crafty serpent lied.
So overflowed, that grace of gold,
the day that Jesus died.

Was God's design that sunlight shine
on my eternal soul?
Did I assess my faithfulness?
For He is in control!

A ray of hope, a saving rope
with hallowed grace divine -
relieved my stress through Holiness
for true forgiveness, mine.

When faith survived, death was deprived
on earth, as up above.
Death isn't black. With Jesus back
I'm flooded with His love!

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


January 1, 2013

Signs 1-1-13

(A true story poem.  Reflecting back to my childhood in the 1960's.) 

There, spaced along the highway were twelve inexpensive signs.
Just simple words of black on white next to some rigid pines.
The signs were spaced just far enough they caught my drifting eye -
so pondered I, each single sign as they went marching by...
"For God..." "so loved..." "the world..." "that He gave..." "His only..." "begotten Son..."
"that whosoever..." "believeth in Him..." "should not perish..."
"but have..." "everlasting life..." "John 3:16"
So many times from grandma's house we read 'John three-sixteen' -
and millions more had seen this verse against those evergreen.
My dad, my mom, my brother, I - in humbleness did read
those words as we were driving by and faithfully would heed.

Now who had thought of doing this and painted them with care?
Who dug the holes in God's green earth and set them up to share -
to other people driving by so they too could embrace
this verse of loving kindness - of vast forgiving grace?

I read those words each time we passed and wondered who'd take time
and paint the words for profit not - not even for a dime.
I wondered who that man had been each time that we passed by -
and wondered as some years had passed - whose signs had caught my eye.

Yes, even as a teen I thought, who painted each of those -
then did the work to put them up?  I pondered, just suppose -
he cared not for his pocket book but wanted to impart,
with work and pure compassion - some love within his heart.

Well, nothing lasts forever, therefore sometimes something breaks -
so dad pulled to the shoulder and then hit the car's old brakes.
He took a hammer from the trunk.  Bored, waiting for my dad,
I saw him fix a broken sign - and then I knew who had.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 3:16-21 (King James Version)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,
because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world,
and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light,
lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest,
that they are wrought in God.

John 3:16-21 (New American Standard Version)
16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world,
but that the world might be saved through Him.
18 He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already,
because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world,
and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.
20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light,
and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
21 But he who practices the truth comes to the Light,
so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”

John 3:16-21 (New International Version)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,
but to save the world through him.
18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned,
but whoever does not believe stands condemned already
because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world,
but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
20 Everyone who does evil hates the light,
and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.
21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light,
so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

December 23, 2012

First In Line? 12-24-12

Can Christmas be a day we change - a day we should distort?
And is the line to Santa long - but line to Jesus short?
We want to be the first in line because who wants to wait?
Who wants to waste their precious time? To this, can we relate?

Yet can it be a selfishness that leads a person where,
the line is much, much longer because Santa's sitting there?
After all, does he not give the many toys away?
Should focus, we, on our desires on this important day?

Though Santa is the one who gives to those who did behave -
is Jesus' line much shorter because He already gave?
Eternal life is only for the humble who believe -
and selfish people aren't content for blessings they receive.

Now God may send us Angels - a youngster may appear -
and ask a simple question that will form a wiser tear.
A tear that's full of living joy, sent down in grace above.
A tear that's rolling down a cheek. A tear born out of love.

Now here's the line to Jesus. Remember, it is fine -
no matter where we are right now - to kneel down first in line.
We may be in the cities or out on country farms -
but children who find Jesus are - already in His arms...

...the greatest gift of all.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 19, 2012

Love To Love 12-19-12

It started out as others, when I got dressed today -
ate breakfast with my fam'ly, for that was just our way.
You dropped me off at school.  Your love shone in your eyes.
We hugged and kissed each other.  We said our last "Goodbye's".
As I stepped to the entrance, I turned around once more -
and waved to you one final time - then stepped on through the door.

I saw some other teachers.  They do what teachers do.
They all had smiled, said "hi" to me - and I said "hi" back too.
I soon got to my classroom.  Some other friends were there.
I chatted with my classmates some and then sat in my chair.
Obey the teachers, I was taught.  I followed every rule -
but no one knew that this would be, our final day at school.

Life usually, will glide along - and all goes fairly well -
but those are times we soon forget how close we are to hell.
We soon forget that God is love and hates our every sin -
but selfish man gets what he wants as he is dead within.
Not even one short moment here, should ever pass us by -
where Jesus holds our inner thoughts and we don't question why.

Though God hates sin - do we as much?  For what man wishes, weaves -
his 'wants' to be accepted - until himself deceives.
From smoking, drugs and alcohol or any selfish thing -
there's someone who will pay the price for what these habits bring.
Why is it there are people who will only love to hate.
I pray that others will be saved - before it is too late.

Oh, why do we love other 'gods' including 'killing games'?
Why do we swear, show disrespect, call God [our Father] names?
Why don't we often worship - honor father, mother?
Why are we never faithful - steal, lie and murder?
Why are we very jealous, envious and covet?
Why not confess, repent?  Oh, why will we not do it?

I heard that last announcement.  Today, pure evil flowed.
Now I'm okay.  I'm in HIS arms, because HE loves me so.
I know it's hard to hold back tears from feeling deeply blue -
but I so love you mommy still - and Jesus says so too.
I'm so amazed to see this place you couldn't even dream of -
a place of immense beauty - where we all love to love.

In memory of the 20 children and 6 adults killed
at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 16, 2012

Twenty Angels 12-16-12

Pure evil smashed through fragile doors
at lives misunderstood -
fought cowardly in anger -
with twenty Angels, good.

Then hero's lives were sacrificed
as many children hid.
We cannot make the pieces fit -
but twenty Angels did.

So now there's something in my eyes
there's dampness on my cheek -
and I can feel the echo when
those twenty Angels speak.

The question that I struggle with -
is, "Where do Angels go?"
I'm not sure of the answer, but
our twenty Angels know.

In memory of the 20 children and 6 adults killed
at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


I'll Not Forget 12-16-12

My little Angel sat in school
to learn her A B C's -
yet no one knows the 'half of it'
to put my mind at ease...

There's something in the way I talk
that seems so different now -
that weighs me down here on my knees
and makes me take this vow:

I'll not forget those days we spent
together - you and me.
I'll not forget our memories
and they will always be.

I'll not forget your sunshine smile,
the freckles on your skin.
I'll not forget your flood of love
that flowed from deep within.

I'll not forget our little games
we played - like 'hide and seek'.
I'll not forget your kisses from
your lips upon my cheek.

I'll not forget those little tears -
those times I saw you weep -
then mixed with mine, ran down my cheek
before you fell asleep.

I'll not forget your final hug
was very, very tight.
I'll not forget your final wave
was such a lovely sight.

I'll not forget your first small step
or your first day at school.
I'll not forget God's wonderment -
my precious little jewel.

I'll not forget your favorite clothes,
or favorite ice cream choice.
I'll not forget your little ears
that heard your teacher's voice.

My little Angel sat in school
to learn her A B C's -
It's God who knows 'the all of it'
that puts my mind at ease...

In memory of the 20 children and 6 adults killed
at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 11, 2012

Born Again 12-11-12

Oh, how I thought I knew it all when I was in my youth -
but as I turn in circles now I find an ugly truth -
that time had shut a door on each decision I had made
and now I have to suffer from the high price I have paid.

Now Jesus led me as a youth but I had vainly went
the stubborn way I wanted to. My whole life I had spent -
going my own selfish way through each and every door -
and thinking that each new one was much better than before.

But then I looked around me as the final door slammed shut.
So stunned, I was - completely - as it echoed in my gut.
I walked through each door willingly to get to where I am -
and now my soul is naked as I stand in front of Him.

But then my God allowed me there to reach back with my hand
and open up that final door. I didn't understand...
I stepped back through and found myself where I had been last week -
and then I saw another door so took another peek.

It too, had opened up for me - so I stepped through again -
and there I was two weeks ago right back where I had been.
So on and on I went through doors as fast as I could run -
until I was a child again - then back where I'd begun.

Now this time I will have no pride and this time I won't fight.
I'll follow in His footsteps and I'll follow Him just right.
Now each door that God opens makes us one close happy team -
and everything goes perfect 'til I wake up from my dream.


I only had one lonely chance to live an upright way -
but I messed up. I put me here. There is no more to say...
except that Jesus pulls me from my putrid, sinful grime -
and gives me one more final chance to get it right this time.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 8, 2012

Nativity Christmas 12-8-12

Does someone call as snowflakes fall
upon my window sill?
There comes a sleigh. The horses neigh,
in spirit of goodwill.

There's not a breeze.  My mind's at ease.
They bid me, "Come" they say.
So I step out.  There is no doubt -
that this is Christmas Day.

I hop aboard and ride on toward -
a town that's splashed with sights.
I look ahead at green and red.
I love those Christmas lights.

The air is crisp. I see a wisp -
on front of horses' mane -
that bounce with pep at every step.
The horses do not wane.


Heard sleigh bells chime throughout that time
until I got to town -
And hooves had clopped until they stopped
as I arrived downtown.

Nativity...  I smiled with glee -
heard carols in the air.
The shepherds spied.  The three Magi
saw Jesus sleeping there.

A camel knelt.  In joy they dwelt -
in cushioned stable hay -
A scene on earth of virgin birth -
where one man came to pray.

A poor old man, all wrinkled tan,
was kneeling on the ground.
His hair was messed but he was blessed
as snow fell all around.

Some kids walked through, in contrast to -
his humble situation.
And then they felled the cane he held,
reckless recognition.

God woos each one who seek His Son -
but they paid no attention.
I heard them joke each time they spoke
within their own dimension.

He reached in vain to get his cane.
His countenance was grim -
then heard him say, "wife passed away."
as I gave it to him.

Through eyelids tight, they drew my sight -
I saw more tears come through.
It touched my heart, tore me apart -
so I knelt down there too.


Snowflakes falling, Jesus calling -
calling from above.
Can you live it?  Christmas spirit -
wooing all, in love...

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Mark 2:14 (KJV)
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

December 3, 2012

A Perfect Masterpiece 12-3-12

Peered I, up to the heavens. So stunned, I stood in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and this is what I saw...
A sight exposing every truth, that made me nearly faint.
A sight, that in a million years, no man could ever paint.
A special, brand new masterpiece that God creates each day.
A special, brand new vision that He gives along my way.

I see a vast creation that is pure outside and in
before His work is tarnished by horrendous, evil sin.
He paints His skies so differently. No two are just the same.
He paints the creatures on the earth - the wild and the tame.
The sunsets over mountain peaks are not identical -
and snowflakes falling from the sky?  Not precisely equal...

The clouds are floating freely with the breeze on clear thin air.
Though no two skies are just alike, they share the canvas there.
And no two meadows look the same as I walk down His path.
I see no trees identical when grown through nature's wrath.
Not equal are the mountain streams or creatures of the wild.
And so unique the sunsets are - as faces of a child.

So patiently, a flower bud waits ready to unfurl.
A swirl of brilliant petals bloom.  I see a little girl.
Her whole life laid in front of her that she became forthwith -
another link within the chain this world had yanked her with.
Priorities had dragged her from her work to shopping mall.
And every day, a masterpiece - yet she had missed them all.

Now richly dressed as all the rest who never seemed to care,
she peered inside a cancer ward and saw young children there.
She saw the face of one small boy with cute and chubby cheeks -
and though the tears had dried away she saw the many streaks.
They washed away the happiness in life so short, but giving -
as sin has made the sky to fall on innocent still living.

God waves His hand across the sky, but have I failed to see -
out way beyond my own routine, beyond my vanity?
God paints a perfect masterpiece on each and every child.
I finally saw His masterpiece when that young child smiled.
Peered I, up to the heavens. Through tears, I prayed in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and that is what I saw...

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 27, 2012

America! 11-27-12

They're Patriots, they're fighting!  But Lord, who understands?
Their gift to heirs was liberty, was fragile in their hands.

A liberty that's priceless and was paid with hero's blood,
 but liberty that's fragile and as latent as a bud.
Some day the waves of grain will grow in nation gold and bright -
 but now the revolution's fight is questioned whether right...

I see a sacrifice so great, from will that never bends,
I see the loss of families, their farms and closest friends.
I see that they were tested greatly under Washington -
and they were tested all the more in battle that was won.

Yes, tested with the seasons that brought hot and cold extremes,
and tested with great trials that had crushed the smallest dreams.
So many lost a limb or two.  Some others met their grave,
but great were all the freedoms that to us they freely gave.

Now we'd enjoy these freedoms, if - we care to really own
and guard with every vote so that our freedoms could be sown -
to later generations that would seize the free baton -
to hold our fragile liberties so freedom carries on.

Years later, I saw clamoring and stumbling unsure -
and one by one God-given rights were trampled here under -
the feet of every voter who demanded more and more -
the money clear from Washington 'til all of us were poor.

They argued, as in protest and they fervently appealed,
to eat up necessary seed for next year's harvest yield -
and voted for more cretins who would place their final bet
on wasteful obligations that would pile up more debt.

Naive we are and so deceived with all the 'pc' spin,
"He'll give you lots more money if you'll simply vote for him!"
They buy our selfish, greedy votes and bribe us all until
elected, they're securely fixed right there up on 'The Hill'.

So arrogant, those cretins are, that they need never hide.
They know their office is secure and wear this thing called 'pride'.
They promise us a silver moon (that's moldy old swiss cheese -
with holes in thick promises that shift there with the breeze).

So powerless we all become when they tie up our hands.
They hasten us and chasten us - yet no one understands..!
There's just no more that we can give, for they have taken all -
in taxes, fines and hidden fees, licenses, et al.

They rushed so quickly to the aid of those too big to fail -
and then ignored the rest of us that they refused to bail.
Collecting campaign contributions from the greedy ones -
they then give them the very last of our few meager funds.

Refusing to repent and out beyond the furthest hope,
I see a country dangling from an unforgiving rope -
from poor results that legalized and drove our morals loose.
I see inflated, selfish heads above a tightened noose.

The feet still kick and wiggle as we take our final breath -
and offer no assurance from a sad and certain death -
because we still refuse the God of patient, certain wrath!
Oh, how can we complain when "we, the people" chose our path?

We've mortgaged off the waves of grain and every native park!
We've mortgaged every standing tree - the branches, trunks and bark!
We've mortgaged off Mount Rushmore and the Lady Liberty -
who shines so very beautiful!  It's pure insanity!!

I see a sacrifice so great - but our 'will' never bends.
We lose our farms and families - we lose our closest friends.
I see we're harshly tested from a Washington DC -
and we'll be tested all the more until our freedoms see...

We're Patriots!  We're fighting!  But Lord, who understands?
Our gift to heirs, true liberty, is fragile in our hands.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 20, 2012

The Little Elf 11-20-12

Mischievous, the little one -
the selfish, little elf -
the one who looks and listens for
the things which help himself.

Though brilliant colors are defined,
I'm blind and cannot see.
Since birth my world was always dark.
I ask myself, "Why me?"

My doctor says there is no hope.
No music will there be.
My world is quiet.  I can't hear.
I ask myself, "Why me?"

I've worked my fingers to the bone.
I've paid each tax and fee.
But now the banks are taking all.
I ask myself, "Why me?"

My teachers say I'm special.
My friends and all agree.
Then mom tells me to make my bed.
I ask myself, "Why me?"

He fell to knees most fervently -
the place?  Gethsemane.
Though God did not 'remove His cup',
did Jesus ask, "Why me?"

So lazy, greedy, prideful, vain -
oh, how can I complain?
My prayers are simply mockeries
if I know not His pain.

Pain that He endures each time
that I think of myself -
for He's the Master Teacher - and
I'm the little 'elf'...

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 11, 2012

As More Fall 11-11-12

Just count the leaves here, 1-2-3
as more fall from the Maple tree.

Bright colored leaves, for all to see -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

And cooler weather there will be -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

The autumn breezes blow them free
as more fall from the Maple tree.

We jump in piles of leaves, whoopee!!
as more fall from the Maple tree.

We joke a lot, we're filled with glee -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

A blizzard comes. The robins flee
as more fall from the Maple tree.

We'll snowboard and we'll also ski -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

Then lost souls find eternity -
and more fall from the Maple tree.

Futile lives here, 1-2-3 
while more fall from the Maple tree.

Do we serve Jesus faithfully 
and rescue those on Maple tree? 

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 4, 2012

An Old Abandoned Cabin 11-4-12

Nestled in a valley in a clearing of large oak,
while sunlight touched but treetops where the baby robins woke,
stood an old abandoned cabin that had seen some better days,
had once seen better fam'lies and had once seen better ways.
A little stream meandered by with water clean and pure
that seemed to say, "Come drink from me.  Your problems, I will cure."
And sparkled bright, the diamonds that had glistened in the sky,
as did the dew on God's green earth that blessed the patient eye.

Hither, yon the squirrels worked and did what squirrels do.
They shared their ample spacious trees where little finches flew -
where trees wore brilliant yellow, red and golden colored suits
where leaves had wiggled in the breeze among leftover fruits.
But when the sun had cleared the hill and peeked above the trees
exposing all the guilt of man and sin that Heaven sees -
it brought to light the darkness deep inside those timbered wall,
where dust and cobwebs fought a war and won man's mighty fall.

Now just a second, let's step back and tell me how they can -
how tiny little spiders beat the big and mighty man?
Just maybe, man with ego big, was thought too big to fail -
and now the dust and spiderwebs own every board and nail.
That cabin once was filled with 'men', with love and life and health,
but now sits there abandoned and long gone his pride and wealth.
I once knew well the fam'ly who had lived inside those walls
of that abandoned cabin where our Savior's voice still calls.

If mighty man's big head was pulled along with his conceit
from clouds so he'd descend back down and settle on his feet -
then maybe he could still enjoy the cabin in the trees
and persevere through patience with the autumn colored leaves -
that dance above the cabin roof, that seem to taunt en mass -
to each and every one of us until possessions pass -
that man was beaten down by bugs who haven't any clue
that God is still in full control over me and you...

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 1, 2012

Christmas Eyes 11-1-12

My mama was a loving spouse who did her very best
to keep my father happy and she never did protest -
to what my father said and did to add to her abuse -
and all the things I saw him do.  There wasn't an excuse.
My father was a spiteful man who argued quite a lot
and it had hurt my mama so that she became distraught..
I pulled weeds from her garden and I chopped a lot of wood
that heated up our cooking stove.  I helped her all I could.
As we prepared for Christmas Day and all that was in store,
enjoyed, I did, those special times with mama even more.
Yes, more than any other month could ever even boast,
December was that special time that we enjoyed the most.

One cold December morning came when father went to find,
a full and perfect Norway Spruce.  (I tagged along behind).
The woods were vast.  There must have been a million evergreen
which held a billion snowflakes out in sparkling winter scene.
Reflective sunlight shimmered bright which made my eyelids squint
so I looked down and found that all my footsteps made a print -
in snow so fun to walk through as it crushed beneath my feet -
(although at times the drifts caused me to detour or retreat).
That made me pause and catch a glimpse of smoke from fireplace
meandering above our house so wanting to embrace -
a family fraught with nervous fears and silent times 'to boot' -
as father, with his ego big, had muffled mama mute.

But fragrance from the many pine had found my little nose -
and tiny snowflakes glistened while they settled on our clothes -
reminding me that all is well despite my parents quarrels
and I could choose a better life with character and morals -
to live a life, not crooked, as we trekked from place to place -
to find that perfect tree to decorate our living space.
We trampled each direction and at last he gave a sigh.
We finally found that perfect spruce - my father, saw and I.
The night was strangely silent as we sat around our tree
when mom's love and compassion had been proven true to me.
Out through the corner of my eye, I viewed dejected years -
and though she tried to hold them back, I saw her lonely tears.

Throughout that night the light escaped reflecting off the floor,
and whispered prayers were carried out from underneath her door...
But light no longer flickers from the candles flaming tips
and silenced too, are verses that I heard from mama's lips.
I know that father long regrets his former wicked ways -
but through my tears, I won't forget those special Christmas days
with scenes of the Nativity and tree exactly right,
with memories of mama and the truth that came to light.
Yes, this was many years ago that father and I spied -
then cut that perfect Norway Spruce the day before she died.
I heard his weeping through the door - such deep, repentant cries -
but now he sees as mama did... through humble Christmas eyes.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Romans 10 (NASB)
8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”
—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord,
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness,
and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.”
12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek;
for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;
13 for “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

October 30, 2012

Christian Poets 10-30-12

We love, remember, reminisce -
God's Christian poets who we miss...
but will, in Heaven, together be,
to praise again in poetry~!

2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 25, 2012

His Work 10-25-12

He laid a sheet of paper down
upon a table top -
and from his chair he wrote and wrote
so faithfully, non-stop.

They laughed at him and bragged about
the works that they had done.
They filled vast reams of papers, yet -
he had but only one.

They boasted of their many works
their fancy hands exposed.
Great works in rich calligraphy
were pridefully disclosed.

Again they stood around and laughed,
but never did he gloat.
They laughed and scoffed and scoffed and laughed
at everything he wrote..

His life was written on one page -
but what? I didn't know.
The paper he had laying there
was white as driven snow.

Sorrow filled his teary face.
This world fatigued his soul.
The agony that he endured
had taken quite a toll.

I saw that many people judged,
made fun of and demeaned,
ridiculed and criticized
his lack of works they'd seen.

Yet faithfully, he wrote much more.
Were no works written there?
Still blank, his paper had appeared.
I thought it quite unfair.

Unfair that he was working hard
on words that wouldn't be.
Unfair that he was judged by those
on work they couldn't see.

Sometimes we think life's all in vain -
those things we do for God -
but He knows every one of us
and how, through life, we've trod.

It's not the works that we can see
that's valued on our page -
but rather what was done in love
that God will one day gauge.

So why was it completely blank?
Confused, I stopped to think -
but then I learned his work was penned
with tears instead of ink.

Yes, God knows our compassion.
So ponder this, it's true:
God floods His grace upon His world,
gets faithfulness from few.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
