The house now is lifeless with rooms plain and bare.
Though silence is eerie, does anyone care?
Remember, I do, our tree sure looked good -
but corner's now empty where it had once stood.
I sat for awhile on the cool, dusty floor -
reflecting on failures. Could I have done more?
I know I have no one - have no one to blame -
but with mom and dad gone, it isn't the same.
The cupboards are barren - and too, every shelf.
The emptiness here now resembles myself.
Time marches on by - like it's tethered to sin!
Oh, to have Christmas with fam'ly again!
Such colorful lights had once brightened this place -
but visions of mom now bring tears to my face.
Our hopes and our dreams seemed to lift spirits high,
but now with house vacant, tears come ...and don't die.
My steps sound so hollow and echo in rhyme -
but mock me out loud for the very last time.
Spend time with your parents. Please figure out how -
to get all your work done and visit them now.
Sin separates us from the joys of creation.
Without Christmas day there's no hope of salvation!
So celebrate Christmas! Do not be afraid!
Kneel humbly to Christ... who, in manger, once laid.
Kneel humbly to Christ...
Kneel humbly...
This world throws the wrapping - with big, greedy eyes
but Christmas, in stillness, is joyously wise.
Such great revelations do not shout with pride -
but rather reveal, through whispers, our Guide.
The house now is lifeless with rooms plain and bare.
Though silence is eerie, does anyone care?
©2013 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED