"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

November 19, 2016

You Know Me Well 11-19-16

My breath on pane
is all in vain.
It's bitter cold outside.
With fog on glass,
the hours pass.
I swallow deep, my pride.

The plume atop
my quill would stop
with only me to thank.
There are no herds
of rhyming words.
My frozen mind is blank.

I pray to God
but find it odd
that rhyme's don't come to me.
At any cost
I am so lost.
Is this just meant to be?

But it is rare,
that I would dare
to leave before I write.
Though inkwell's here
words disappear
on parchment through the night.

Not thinking 'prose'
my words are froze
just as it is outdoors -
with barren trees
all stripped of leaves,
like extinct dinosaurs.

Now I confess
that I digress
from what I want to say.
It sure does seem
I'm losing steam.
My poem drifts away.

Should I explore
my mind some more -
that's vast as the frontier -
or let you think
I'm out of ink
and end this poem here?

Oh, what's the use
for such a truce?
I'm finished anyhow.
I sure can tell
you know me well.
You're raising one eyebrow.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 12, 2016

Come With Me 11-12-16

Please come with me while we stand tall
and give to those awaiting call
who haven't any hope.
My tears run as a waterfall,
pour off my cheeks for one and all.
I don't know how they cope.

Now Susie is a dancer
She's nine, but now has cancer.
She's on a newer drug.
The days are slow.  She sits alone
'tween night and day in twilight zone.
She needs someone to hug.

Meet David with clef palate
who plays on old wood pallet
each long and boredom day.
His mother doesn't have a house.
He's shy and quiet as a mouse
and has nothing to say.

Meet Bobby Jean who's starving -
while turkeys we are carving -
for our Thanksgiving feast.
She needs some clothes and needs a bath.
She did not choose this endless path.
Of these, she is the 'least'.

Meet the Muslim boy, Abdul.
He's beaten hard and it's so cruel.
He studies the Koran.
If you were him, you would be too
and studying a twisted view
to be an evil man.

Please come with me while we stand tall
and give to those awaiting call
who haven't any hope.
My tears run as a waterfall,
pour off my cheeks for one and all.
I don't know how they cope.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 29, 2016

Clouds Of Grace 10-29-16

The seconds seem to march on by
as I lay in my bed.
The still, dark room surrounds me as
life's chaos fills my head.

I sought God's great forgiveness here
and prayed His 'will' be done.
I sought His endless blessings too -
His each and every one.

Awakened in the dead of night
brings pain and misery.
Those pins and needles sting me like
a million honey bee.

There's something in my eyes that runs
right down my wrinkled cheeks.
The seconds turn to minutes and
then hours into weeks.

The weeks turn into months and years
as I lay on my bed.
I hear the ticking of the clock
as life hangs by a thread.

A thread that is so fragile and
holds every thought that comes -
and pounds into my painful ears
like noisy, marching drums.

I try to shut my eyes and sleep,
but through the pain and flack -
my tears still win the battle, though
I've tried to hold them back.

My head begins exploding with
anxiety attack,
but so as not to live regret
I yank my muscles back.

This horrid pain has hit me like
a ton or two of brick -
that brings more torture to my ears
with every single 'tick'.

I sought God's will through faithful hope
but must accept this quest -
that when my fragile thread does snap,
I find that God has blessed.

Not maybe how I thought He would -
because this world harms.
But when that fragile thread does snap -
I'll find I'm in His arms.

For Christ endured this torture too.
He knows just how I feel.
So faithfully He carries me
and brings my heart to heal.

He holds me up, takes tension off
that single fragile thread,
so I can float on clouds of grace
that quell my pain instead.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 22, 2016

In Your Image 10-22-16

You made me in Your image Lord,
but I broke through the mold.
I thought my way was better so
I didn't do as told.
I lived in curiosity
when I was just a child.
I grew up wanting everything,
was selfish and was wild.

I lived in all my foolishness
and put myself in bubble.
And when I drew my idols in -
it got me into trouble.
One rainy day my bubble burst
and so I sat depressed.
Drenching wet I swallowed pride
that should have been addressed.

If I could start all over Lord,
I'd listen and obey.
And that way I would not be in
the fix I am today.
You'd make me in Your image Lord.
I wouldn't break the mold.
I'd know your way was better and
I'd do as I was told.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 24, 2016

An Attitude Of Prayer 9-24-16

The sun was hot.  There was no breeze.
It seemed that nature died -
except annoying croaking frogs
that tore me up inside.

And then those pesky chirping birds
kept on and wouldn't quit!
The peace and quiet fell away.
I thought I'd have a fit.

Emotions begged for me to scream
but logic's chains were fixed.
It seemed that I was torn in two
as all the truths were mixed.

A duck was splashing water and the
crickets pierced my ears.
I even heard a car horn then
that brought me close to tears.

Enjoy the outdoors?  I could not.
The banks were on my heels!
And though I was not guilty, they
had voided my appeals.

My mind was racing to and fro.
I willed to run away -
where I could start a brand new life
where peaceful was the day.

Then wings of sev'ral hummingbirds
had winnowed that still air
which moved me ever closer to
an attitude of prayer.

They seemed to not be bothered by
the things that bothered me.
I once was blinded by this earth...
but now, at last, I'm free!

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 3, 2016

Very Same Dreams 9-3-16

We fam'lies of leaves were hanging in trees.
Each fam'ly had dreams that were strange.
We all had our reasons for various seasons -
traditions that we wouldn't change.

Now none had predicted that we'd be conflicted
from each on our very own trees.
But roots had ambition to send us nutrition,
yet never a leaf could they please.

I also was one who was selfish with fun.
I knew it and God knew it too.
So loved He the world, a baby was curled,
in manger while chilly winds blew.

I was not above all the leaves of God's love.
No better was I than the rest.
So dropped. I to knees and prayed for all trees
and asked that all leaves would be blessed.

Yet root was the scholar, so it gave a holler
that not over it would they dwell.
The root, very tough, said he'd had enough -
and that's when the most of them fell.

Now when they sought Heaven they all were forgiven,
(at least that's what they had believed).
Yet oh, so enthralled, were the faithful God called -
but not those of them self-deceived.

Then one breezy day, winds tore us away.
We landed in faraway streams.
The next springtime rain it happened again,
when new leaves had very same dreams.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 27, 2016

Liberty 8-27-16

It's a slippery slope
on which there's no hope
from the peak of pure liberty.
And just one exception
brings great tribulation
that most of the masses can't see.

Just one politician
that's on twisted mission
can push us down slippery slope.
And not one Republican
or Democrat can
throw out a life-saving rope.

For once we are thrown
out there on our own
there's no one who cares- not a whit.
When they start the fights
to take away rights -
we'd better climb back and not quit.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 20, 2016

In God I Trust 8-20-16

I thank you Jesus, for my birth
and all this beauty on Your earth -
for me to see.
Oh thank you Jesus, for these eyes -
though tears run down my cheeks from cries -
in thanks to thee.

I thank you Jesus, for soft song
when all the children sing along -
angelic grace.
And thank you Jesus, for these ears
as music soothes, then disappears
all I embrace.

I thank you Jesus, for my age
that's numbered here on final page
I can't oppose.
I thank you Jesus, for each breath
that You've blessed me up to my death,
as Heaven knows.

I thank you Jesus, for my life -
though others' sins that brought me strife
was so unjust.
But thank you Jesus, I'm restored
through grace and peace within You Lord.
In God I trust.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 13, 2016

Just Like Them 8-13-16

I was a feather floating free
with all my friends and family.
I followed them.
I learned to fly.
I learned to lie
and blow around this empty sky -
...just like them.

In wind, I did a somersault -
was told that nothing was my fault.
I followed them.
Without a care,
I learned to swear
and then accepted any dare -
...just like them.

The wind had tossed me to and fro,
first left, then right you'd see me go.
I followed them.
I learned to think.
I learned to drink,
precariously on the brink -
...just like them.

The gusty wind had taken toll.
I found myself in deep, black hole.
I followed them.
Like feather in
the wayward wind,
but learned that day that I had sinned -
...just like them.

©2016 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 30, 2016

From Humble Root 7-30-16

A green and fragile leaf, was she
and unimportant she would be.
She was depressed.
For she was small, not very big
attached so lightly to a twig -
so she was blessed.

A small and simple twig was he
which held the leaf that waved so free.
He too depressed.
He feared, with wind he'd be detached,
yet to a branch, he was attached -
so he was blessed.

A small, but stable branch was there
which seemed to bend but didn't care.
It too depressed.
Afraid of wind, its life was grim
and so unlike the larger limb -
yet it was blessed.

A large and stable limb it was,
but it, unhappy too because,
it was depressed.
It exercised.  It was a 'hunk'
but wasn't an enormous trunk -
yet it was blessed.

A giant of a trunk was it?
It had opinions so unfit.
It too depressed.
It stood unmoved with haughty face
there over root on its own space -
so it was blessed.

Now root was happy.  It could sing.
It fed and nourished everything -
up to the leaves.
And it was not presumptuous
when it supplied its sustenance
to all the 'least of these'.

That root was humble under sod
and faithful to creation's God -
and it would thrive.
But then wind timbered trunk and tree!
Oh, what had happened?  Could it be
the root's alive...?

...to grow another tree, no doubt.
From humble root, a humble sprout.
Do you now see?
Take care then where your faith is at
so you do not end up like that
ol' timbered tree.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Study Notes for pastors & Bible Study groups:
The leaf, the twig, the branch, the limb and the trunk were not blessed because of what they were attached to - but rather because of the nourishment they received from the unseen root.  We are not blessed because of who or what (spouse, church, political party, elected officials, possessions, money) we are 'attached' to but rather we are blessed because of our Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done for us.  If our faith is in man or things, then one day we find ourselves on that ol' timbered tree.

July 23, 2016

ALL Children 7-23-16

Please help the little children Lord.
Bless each and ev'ry one.
Protect them from a world of hate,
from anger, sin and gun.

Resentment boils up from hell
and terrorizes earth
as wars break out like wildfires,
around another birth.

We clamor for position Lord,
we care for our own thirst.
We focus on our status, but
our blessings have been cursed.

You once had blessed America.
when we had trusted You.
But we have failed the "least of these"
and we all know it's true.

Please strip away our selfish pride
and fill us up with love -
and let us prove our charity
that we keep speaking of.

Why do we think that our kids are
much better than the rest?
ALL children are from You dear Lord -
the poor, the weak, oppressed.

Please help the little children Lord.
Bless each and ev'ry one.
Protect them from a world of hate,
from anger, sin and gun.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 22, 2016

Mom's Pumpkin Pie! 7-22-16

When I was just a little lad,
I came inside from play.
Aroma met my little nose
on many, many day.
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

I rushed right to the kitchen and
the oven I had spied.
but it- completely empty.
I didn't quite know why.
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

The table top was all cleared off.
The window sill was too.
My hunger pangs were 'killing' me.
Oh, what was I to do?
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

It wasn't in the oven and
the counter top was bare.
With refrigerator empty,
it wasn't anywhere!.
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

"Hey!  Where's my pumpkin pie?" I yelled!
But there was ne'er a sound.
I yelled again.  The echo waned.
There was no one around.
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

Could it be at the neighbor's house?
Would mama have gone there?
What if my pie was just for them?
Oh no, she wouldn't dare!
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

I ran off to the neighbor's house.
I pounded on the door.
And then when they had opened it,
my jaw dropped to the floor.
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

And there it was- on table top -
as plain as 'one' could see.
Would she have given it to them?
Oh no!  It couldn't be.
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

I must have given hint away.
They must have seen a clue.
They then invited me to sit
so I could have some too!
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

But where was mom and where was dad?
Did they go to the store?
No.  They were in the pumpkin patch
so I could have some more!
Oh my my!
Mom's pumpkin pie!

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 12, 2016

Treasure 7-12-16

Treasure beauty from the Maker.
Treasure color, sky and nature.
Treasure walks through endless park
among the winging meadowlark.

Treasure songbirds high on limbs.
Treasure words in humble hymns.
Treasure humming tunes though old
that weave through treetops, warm the cold.

Treasure long and endless streams.
Treasure optimistic dreams.
Treasure truth when grapes are crushed
and when all future hopes are hushed.

Treasure boys with antique toys.
Treasure them who have no poise.
Treasure girls with bouncing curls
while wearing mother's phony pearls.

Treasure those who aren't perfect.
Treasure them with due respect.
Treasure friends, so close to you
and loyal friendship through and through.

Treasure faithful servitude.
Treasure quiet solitude.
Treasure Bible's remedies
and treasure fondest memories.

Treasure all that life has penned.
Treasure pause at trail's end.
Treasure journey, near complete
and rest awhile on wooden seat.

Treasure prayer through sun and shower.
Treasure God in all His power.
Treasure resurrection's way
and Christ's ascension.  What a day!

Treasure blessings from before
Treasure our salvation more.
Treasure Christmas, it's true meaning -
and forgiveness with its healing.

Treasure autumn, winter, spring.
Treasure faith in everything.
Treasure God's tremendous grace -
for each and ev'ry human race.

Treasure not your earthly treasures.
Question not the way God measures.
Just treasure all creation's of.
It's wrapped in love from God above.

Treasure beauty from the Maker.
Treasure color, sky and nature.
Treasure walks through endless park
among the winging meadowlark.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

July 2, 2016

In Your Heart 7-2-16

The winds push clouds across the sky,
the winds too clear to view.
Results, I see, but not the wind -
so tell me, is wind true?

I stumbled and I dropped a shoe,
then dropped my other shoe.
And no, I can't see gravity -
so tell me, is it true?

The thunder rumbled through the sky.
It scared both goat and ewe.
Though loud, I can't see thundering -
so tell me, is it true?

I memorized math tables that
began with 'two plus two'.
I cannot see equations though,
so tell me, are they true?

The fragrances from flowers seem
to greet my nose as glue.
But I can't see the fragrances -
so tell me, are they true?

The coffee flavors?  Plentiful.
I taste a special brew.
But I can't see what I can taste,
so tell me, are they true?

A special feeling, special love,
for children and for you.
But once again, I can't see love -
so tell me, is it true?

Creation is spectacular.
It's Heaven's sneak preview.
But once again, I can't see God -
so tell me, is He true?

The physical and spiritual
seem much too far apart,
but you will know that it's all true
when God is in your heart.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Romans 1:18-32 (NASB)

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.”

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen,being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools,and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers,haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but alsogive hearty approval to those who practice them.

June 18, 2016

Your Great Reward 6-18-16

I prayed, "I was grabbed."
Jesus asked, "Were you nabbed?"

I said, "I was controlled."
Jesus asked, "Were you sold?"

I said, "I was teased."
Jesus asked, "Were you seized?"

I said, "I was stalked."
Jesus asked, "Were you mocked?"

I said, "I had cried."
Jesus asked, "Were you 'tried'?"

I said, "I was used."
Jesus asked, "Were you accused?"

I said, "They were cheatin'."
Jesus asked,"Were you beaten?"

I said, "I was stripped."
Jesus asked, "Were you whipped?"

I said, "I was jailed."
Jesus asked, "Were you nailed?"
I said, "I sat in dung."
Jesus asked, "Were you hung?"
I said, "I was a slave."
Jesus said, "I forgave."
(longer pause)
I said feebly, "I cried and cried..."
Jesus said, "I died."

With heavy heart, I said, "Forgive me."
Jesus said simply, "Follow me."

I repeated, "Forgive me please!"
And Jesus said, "The least of these."

I said, "To the truth, I've been asleep."
So Jesus said, "Come.  Feed my sheep."

Then I said, "I've been awakened."
Jesus added, "...but never forsaken."

I said, "I can see!  Heaven has opened up!"
Jesus said, "You are free.  Take my cup."

I said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord."
And Jesus said, "It is prepared- your great reward."

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 12, 2016

Master Poet, The 6-12-16

Became a nightmare from a dream,
"Give us Barabbas!" was the scream.
If I was in that crowd that day,
would I have fought or run away?
Would I act like some animal?
Would I have been part of the brawl?
Would I, like Peter, tell a lie?
Would I deny, deny, deny?

The Master Poet's life?  A blur.
Misunderstood, His 'poems' were.
His verses soared away as birds.
Few understood His humble words.
Corrupted way before the lung,
and then deciphered off the tongue.
If it were me, what would I do?
His love for souls- oh was it true?

So nailed Him they, on cross, on hill.
Should Christ's bust be on pedestal?
With timbers rugged, timbers crossed,
He died up there and all seemed lost.
There were no melodies to hear.
There were no notes to bend the ear.
There was no music, nor a song.
There was no harp to play along.
His words we seldom understand.
Their meanings more than music and
the other things that thieve our days -
our busy lives and lazy ways.
His harmony we mustn't fear,
for Psalms are music to the ear.
Indeed, the Master Poet lives -
and gives and gives and gives and gives...

©2016 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 6:20 (KJV)
But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

June 2, 2016

Great White Knight, The 6-2-16

Came self-proclaimed, the Great White Knight -
and asked us all with him unite -
against the greater parasite -
the wicked snake of poisoned bite.

But it is 'he', I now indict -
exposing lies, none even trite -
with boast, with cuss, with sneer, with spite.
It's not okay and not alright.

I'd rather stand on moral height -
and never cease to do what's right -
not waving truce of coward's white -
but rather fight good freedom's fight.

For God's law is foundation's light -
exposing evil's vicious smite -
which violates the weak in fright -
all through the day and through the night.

Come forth, therefore, in all your might -
for God has blessed us with insight.
Though they both seem to be polite,
they're dangerous, as dynamite.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Do not continue to vote for the lesser, vile people
and then pray to God for mercy.
Find a Godly leader and then vote FOR him or her
and then pray for that leader.

May 17, 2016

Bankruptcy 5-17-16

Will I get any sleep tonight?
Not yes, or even maybe.
The guilty, though, they're able to,
just like a little baby...

My fist, I shake in anger at
those vile, demonic men -
who work their dark, subversive deeds,
deceiving folks again.

They rescued only wicked ones -
the ones 'too big to fail' -
ignoring all us little ones,
the poor, the weak, the frail.

But there's no power in my fist.
My patience has run thin.
I see those lips in all my dreams -
their evil, hellish grins.

My whole life's work is up in smoke.
My efforts all in vain.
The whole world sleeps while I alone
endure my endless pain.

I did my best to follow You -
though weary and run down.
I've walked the straight and narrow in
a world that's up-side-down.

Now my reward for honesty
is painful, sleepless nights.
I know now work is futile here
with token legal rights.

It seems that Satan won again
with His deceptive lies -
but all those crooks with evil grins
will find they're not as wise.

Their greed has brought us massive debt,
their pride, a moral mess.
Their love of money now bankrupts
this country You once blessed.

We've drowned in laws and legal briefs,
down to the gates of hell -
with burning stench of vile souls.
We can't escape the smell.

And though I've tried my whole life through
to shine Your Truth and Light,
they've fought me every minute here.
And even now they fight.

There's nothing more that they can take.
They've taken ev'ry dime.
They've drained my hope and energy.
They stole my precious time.

Your eyes shall pierce the Heavens and
judge each and every one.
My prayer is that they've lied enough
and final judgment's done.

So judge us now with Sodom and
love's lenience, do not serve.
But Lord, please guard Your little ones.
Sin's mess, they don't deserve.

Just as a thief comes in the night,
I'm ready, though I weep.
So very soon, please take me up -
while hardened sinners sleep.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 24:42-51 (NASB)

42 “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. 43 But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. 44 For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.
45 “ Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes. 47 Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48 But if that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is not coming for a long time,’ 49 and begins to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with drunkards; 50 the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know, 51 and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

May 10, 2016

His Miracles 5-10-16

If, on this paper, I could pen
just one of God's creations, then,
it'd prove to all, His mighty hand -
His miracles on sea and land.

But how can I take fish or bird -
express their beauty in mere word?
Or on my paper, what remains
when grasping fragrance from spring rains?

Into my words, do rainbows melt?
Is, on my paper, sunshine felt?
Can words expose a flower's bloom?
Can page bring music to a room?

While we can see and smell and touch
and hear, we do not know so much.
Mere words are dark and empty holes
just like our dead and empty souls.

Our pride stands in the way of Christ
while we all think we've sacrificed!
So humbly pray to God above
through miracles of peace and love.

We're like mere words as body dies.
But spirits live above the skies
to see in Heaven all the more -
His miracles, like none before.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Traditions and emotions give, but if not hearts, we cannot live -
eternally in Heaven where, these things on earth do not compare.
~louis gander

April 9, 2016

The Pretty Purple Blossom 4-9-16

The pretty purple blossom bloomed one sunny springtime day
and as the others grumbled, this is what she had to say...
"Enjoy the warming sunshine and the view we get from here.
Just concentrate on Jesus now.  There's nothing more to fear."

But oh, the other blossoms argued in the stirring breeze,
"We're worried we'll get stung by bees or worried we might freeze.
We're on an old crab apple tree - not white or red or pink.
So why did God do this to us?  Life is unfair, we think."
The pretty purple blossom turned her petals to the sun
and as the others grumbled, her calm faithful words begun...
"Please let me rest in Jesus' arms and let the whole world be.
His blessings all surround us now.  Just look around and see."

But still, the blossoms argued underneath a darkened cloud,
"This shouldn't be permitted.  No, this shouldn't be allowed.
What if the storm clouds gather and the winds begin to stir?
What if the lightning strikes us or tornadoes should occur?"
The pretty purple blossom seemed to wink at growing wind
and as the others grumbled, there were many there who sinned...
"Please don't be anxious and annoyed at what you can't control.
Enjoy this day that God has giv'n and worry 'bout your soul."

And still, the blossoms argued as dark clouds began to form,
"See?  We were right!  We told you so!  Here comes a giant storm!
Now we are waving in the wind.  We heard your subtle scoff.
It won't be long before the wind will blow us blossoms off!"
The pretty purple blossom folded petals as she prayed
and as the others grumbled, she was not at all afraid...
"Who can you trust if not our God, creator of all things?
The winds have been a blessing now - turned branches into swings!"

The other blossoms argued as the storm was overblown,
"The day will come when we will die.  The facts have made it known.
There needs to be equality so we can stay alive.
If we could stick together we can certainly survive."
The pretty purple blossom looked up to the clearing skies
and as the others grumbled she had seemed to agonize...
"No matter what you do on earth, no matter how you try,
you will not live forever and one day you'll surely die."

The other blossoms argued in a meeting they had held,
and came up with a rule of law which was unparalleled.
The law was passed late in the day - about half-past eleven.
The pretty purple blossom though, already lived in Heav'n.
The pretty purple blossom walked with Jesus, hand in hand
and as the others grumbled, she still prayed they'd understand.
A forest fire, burning hot, was headed straight their way
and though they didn't know it yet, it'd be their final day.

The other blossoms argued as the flames were heading near.
And this time it was serious.  They had something to fear.
No social rule or law could save them from this certain plight.
In one way or another, there is death in dead of night.
So soon the purple blossoms fall from that crab apple tree
as time continues swiftly for the blossoms - (you and me).
The pretty purple blossom lives in full serenity -
still praying we will join her there ...for all eternity.

©2016 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
