FREE POETRY incl. over 200 story poems. May God touch the pen that its message may touch the heart...
January 31, 2006
Who Is This Man Really? 1-31-06
Long ago, I met someone
who bent my eager ears.
He displayed the widest smile
and held me captive many years.
His words seemed very humble,
a pleasant, healing sound,
so he was followed closely by
this unsuspecting hound.
He wore the newest clothes
and stories he could tell!
He seemed to be familiar and
I thought I knew him well.
I did see all his actions
and followed in his thought.
I sometimes noticed dancing
in all his wayward talk.
So as he seemed to sparkle,
brighter than his youth,
I finally asked the question,
"Was he a lie or was he truth?"
The man I met was not so good -
although at times was fun,
but he surely wasn't really me
I hid the real one...
Was I just an empty suit,
a giant human fake?
If that were true, I'd have to be
the greatest grand mistake.
As it is with all of us -
throughout the human race,
the man we must address some day
resides behind our face.
You might think insignificant -
and maybe somewhat odd -
but one day soon the real you -
will step before our God.
For only truth will win for sure
when all is said and done,
a casket will not close on two -
but on the real one.
©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
December 30, 2005
BEHOLD! 12-30-05
All was still - and all was silent, pre dawn's dark was as a death.
In my walk I mumbled harshly, under each and every breath.
As I strolled along the pathway, stopping here and there to rest,
not a bird had started singing from inside their comfy nest.
Flowers bloom was ever hiding, from the darkness and its bath.
There was not a single color, from along my darkened path.
Then above the great horizon, sprang a special sort of hue,
as the dawn of day approached, and the sky began to blue.
As one bird began it’s singing, from behind its hidden nest,
a chorus grew in sounds behind the one that sang the best.
Lights turned on in several houses. Many lives began to buzz.
They ran around in circles, why? I guess - was just because...
Brightness chased away the darkness - began to show beyond the blue,
pushing light up ever higher on a world without a clue.
As my walk continued forward - busy ones, their beds would make.
A baby cried out in the distance - many roads, they all would take.
Then the round orange glow of sunshine began it’s mighty crest.
Colors shone in light around it - was like Heaven's colored vest.
Along the path, the flowers opened, revealing one big merry fest.
Colors bloomed in all their brilliance. I became their special guest.
Brightness poured then - all about me, and God showed His special Son.
The Light of truth was just too bright - oh, my God - what had I done?
Then I turned my eyes to Heaven - saw the Son who had to pay,
and behold, that dawning sunshine, shone so bright on me that day!
All is still and all is silent. There is no yesterday.
In my walk - I praise Him softly - as I go my merry way.
Life grows so, so very special, as the years all come and go,
as His Son, in all His brilliance, passes on His very glow.
©2005 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
11You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
December 28, 2005
Everything is Possible! 12-28-05
Or find the nearest ocean, and walk its total girth?
Or explain a rainbow's color, to someone blind from birth?
Or begin to taste the smallest crumb of Gods tremendous worth?
Can I play ALL the instruments, and call myself a band?
Or count each and every grain, on a beach of endless sand?
Ah, paint a rainbow in the sky? I'll never understand,
But everything is possible, for a loving, nail-scarred hand.
God can shake the mountains, and throw them to the sea!
God can rule the wind to stop, or hurl it endlessly!
It's nothing for an awesome God, that used a simple tree,
And gave His Son - so we could live - with Him, eternally!
©2005 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
December 21, 2005
In Full Control 12-21-05
My knowledge is complete, with educated bliss,
and the only thing I'm missing is humbleness, I guess.
I stand tall with shoulders back - my pride is mine to feel!
My countenance shines bright! My arrogance is real!
I scaled the steepest mountain - and clasped my hands up high!
And then - as if it gloated, a cloud went floating by....
I sent across the ocean, a boat that ran full clip -
but then it kissed an iceberg, and sank the mighty ship.
Then in boastful bragging, I send a plane up high.
It isn’t my malfunction, when many hundred die.
I dive for buried treasure, in ocean's deepest depth,
but yet on solid footing, I sometimes lose my step.
Don't pull us off our pedestals, there’s more, which we can do -
and don't tell the world that we're a fake - they haven't any clue!
Now hurricanes are mighty winds! How can we slow them down?
In fact, it's even hard to calm - a breeze from making sound.
Volcanoes? Those we cannot cap, nor stop hot lava's flow,
Do we look a bit dumbfounded now - lying here below?
An ocean's wave we cannot rule, and floods we'll never stop,
even though it's just plain water - each a tiny, little drop.
Earthquakes topple buildings. They change things in a day,
and then when it's all finished - there is nothing more to say.
Earthquakes, floods and hurricanes - they always seem to know -
that God is way above the earth. It’s us who’s here below.
©2005 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
11The proud look of man will be abased And the loftiness of man will be humbled, And the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.
December 20, 2005
Sounds of a Snowflake 12-20-05
James 4:14 (NASB)
14Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Decisions, Decisions 12-20-05
Some decisions in my life are easy - black and white.
It doesn't take much to compare the sun from the black night.
I know what’s light and heavy. I know what’s short and long.
I know what’s hot and cold - but do I always know what's wrong?
Sometimes it seems impossible in life's big, endless fight;
and sometimes still, I ask myself, should I turn left or to my right?
Problems fill my mixed up head. My decisions seem so frail;
and sometimes I can do what's right - but often times I fail.
If the road we're on is winding, and leads back to you or me;
it's time we fully understand that it's all futility.
And if that isn't bad enough, Satan pulls our bending ear;
tells us what to do and think, makes us want and makes us fear.
He claims the world and all unrest, all hate and greed abound.
Sometimes it makes me wonder - if God is still around.
Not looking to the one, true God - that I hide on a shelf;
it's then my faith is failing – looking only to myself.
It’s also when I am most troubled. Nothing lights my way;
nor is there much that I can do, except to humbly pray.
So when I have no place to turn, surrounded by the sea;
I reach my hands to heaven, and grasp the golden key!
God will always tell me - and deep inside I know -
that I'm my biggest problem as I'm tossed to and fro.
So when I know not where to turn - from sin and shame I flee;
it's then that I can see the light, and follow faithfully.
For faithfully, His still, small voice, is now my every clue;
so I don’t focus on this earth, but out beyond the blue.
©2005 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
3And He will delight in the fear of the LORD, And He will not judge by what His eyes see, Nor make a decision by what His ears hear; 4But with righteousness He will judge the poor, And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth; And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked. 5Also righteousness will be the belt about His loins, And faithfulness the belt about His waist.
December 8, 2005
IF GOD CAN USE... 12-8-05
If God can use an old, old man, (Gen 6)
and send the rain for a month, He can;
then God can use animals, in pairs obey,
and follow Noah to the ark that day.
If God can use flooding on the earth, (Gen 7)
and lift the Ark with all it's worth;
then God can expose a little branch,
and promise us, our little ranch.
If God can use a little dove, (Gen 8)
and bring it back with all His love;
then God can use a passing cloud,
that shout with rainbows, right out loud.
If God can use an angry sea, (Matt 8)
to toss disciples helplessly;
then God can use just one command,
calm all the seas - to solid land.
If God can use a little child, (John 6)
for a growing crowd that's getting wild;
then God can use some fish and bread,
hungry souls, and thousands fed.
If God can use an empty tomb, (John 20)
a virgin Mary - an empty womb;
then God can use a little shed,
and just a manger for a bed;
If God can use a crown of thorn, (Matt 27)
and a veil - top to bottom torn;
then God can use the quaking earth,
and thundering skies for our new birth.
If God can use a final breath, (Matt 27)
a shortened life, a cruel death;
then God can use a borrowed grave,
a missing stone, an empty cave.
If God can use the loss of sight, (Acts 9)
for Saul, the man who loved to fight;
then God can use some simple prayers,
sending messengers - proof He cares.
If God can use the blind from birth, (John 9)
and a little dust from His big earth;
then God can use what's always right,
and asks of us, our focused sight.
If God sends demons into swine, (Matt 8)
and uses water - to make wine; (John 2)
then patient, loving He must be,
to use a sinner, saved - like me.
©2005 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
16Come and hear, all who fear God, And I will tell of what He has done for my soul.
November 2, 2005
The Failure 11-2-05
Oh Lord, I have failed you.
Oh Lord, I have failed you.
Oh Lord, I have failed you.
I failed as a child.
I failed as a man.
I have failed as an old man.
Oh Lord, I have failed you.
Oh Lord, I have failed you.
Oh Lord, I have failed you.
I failed as a neighbor.
I failed as a father.
I failed as a husband.
Oh Lord, have mercy on me.
Oh Lord, have mercy on me.
Oh Lord, have mercy on me.
I failed the church.
I failed the pastor.
I failed You.
Oh Lord, have mercy on me.
Oh Lord, have mercy on me.
Oh Lord, have mercy on me.
I failed You yesterday.
I failed You today.
I fail tomorrow.
Oh Lord, forgive me.
Oh Lord, forgive me.
Oh Lord, forgive me.
I fail You when I think.
I fail You when I speak.
I fail You when I act.
Oh Lord, forgive me.
Oh Lord, forgive me.
Oh Lord, forgive me.
I fail You when I am happy.
I fail You when I am angry.
I fail You when I cry.
©2005 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
9And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
October 25, 2005
Thanksgiving Prayer 10-25-05
Thank You Lord, for giant trees,
colorful leaves, crashing seas;
for everything that needed keys,
for getting stung, by honeybees.
Thank You Lord, for every grouse,
every elephant, every mouse;
all my children, special spouse,
-and giving us, our little house.
Thank You Lord, for all the years,
all the laughter, all the tears;
special grace, as Your face nears,
-for giving me trials, numerous fears.
Thank You Lord, Your patient pace,
your special timing, Your loving face;
and to everyone, the human race,
and the outpouring of Your grace.
I know I cheated, I know I'd peek,
while playing games, like hide and seek.
Now as they lay me, down to sleep,
You have my soul, I'm yours to keep.
For as they close, and seal the lid,
I'm ashamed dear Lord, for all I hid;
but thank You Lord for getting rid,
forgiving me fully, for all I did.
Thank You Lord, that I did see,
that you came here to earth for me.
Love, peace, and grace were always key,
so together now, we'll always be.
©2005 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
October 14, 2005
ol' Bore 10-14-05
August 28, 2005

Your house is big and beautiful.
It's filled with the very best treasures and antiques.
Your clothes stuff the closets.
Your food stuffs your shelves (and your mouth).
Your pictures prove your happy life.
Your furniture is tops.
Your yard is trimmed with the most beautiful white picket fence.
Your garage is filled with every toy imaginable.
Your car in the driveway is the envy of all the neighbors.
And just maybe your life is full of fun and more fun.
You have it made...
But of tomorrow you are unaware.
A hurricane or tornado carries it far away.
Or a flood floats it all away.
Or a fire devours it all.
Or an earthquake swallows it whole.
Or your heart stops.
God is in control of every breath we take.
And we deserve our medicine.
-But like an angry child.
WE get mad at HIM.
The echo carries on.
From 2,000 years ago.
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.
Man slows no tornado.
Man stops no flood.
Man quenches no volcanic fire.
Man cancels no earthquakes.
Man will not live forever.
Man is not God.
Believe in yourself, or believe in God.
It is your freedom of choice.
©2005 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Nothing 8-28-05
LIFE and DEATH 8-28-05
February 9, 2005
Life's Crossroads 2-9-05

and seemed to know which way to go, but then got lost so quick?
There are trails you can find - in life, both here and there -
and where they lead, we often go, completely unaware.
Your life's journey lies ahead - you should not look confused.
There is a way that you should walk but one that you will choose.
Years ago I walked a path, along with mom and dad,
It sometimes made me happy - and sometimes made me sad.
One day I saw a trail. The way seemed to entice.
With trees and flowers so pretty, it seemed so very nice.
Rays of sunlight shone on down and lit up spots of ground.
Red and yellow wild flowers shone bright there all around.
My life was very special then. My travels had begun....
I watched some others on the path - as they were having fun.
I didn't wander far - from the path I knew was true,
but I followed them a little while, as soothing breezes blew.
The way was free and easy. I loved that path I took.
The fun and beauty took me in - so back I didn't look.
I walked on down my chosen way. Some hiked along the ledge,
but when the trail got rougher - some slipped off the edge.
I knew better. I knew well - for I was in control.
I'd fight along this rougher path. It now became my goal.
The path I broke was now all mine - and I was my own guide.
That little corner of my world, I owned with all my pride.
The way became much tougher. Branches blocked my way.
Thorns and nettles poked my face. The sky had turned to gray.
Problems covered me like leaves - that carpeted the ground.
Sin's tight grip had hold of me. Through habits I was bound.
So wildly I pushed and shoved - with all my strength inside,
-shoving anyone in my path. I very often lied.
Suddenly my feet gave way. Sharp rocks - they slit my hand.
I tumbled down a rocky slope, and hit the sinking sand.
I don't know - it happened quick. My feet – they sunk right in -
I tried with all my might to not be swallowed up by sin.
Start again? Who can do that? I can't go back in time -
nor could I pull myself back up - I had no strength to climb.
I chose the path that I had trod, I played the Devil's game.
I did not know which way to turn - I'd no one else to blame.
Sin pulled me down. I wanted out. I wished I could go back,
but sank below the surface then, and everything went black.
That's the way the story ends for many that we see,
but thanks to God's most precious gift, it happened not to me.
For long ago, God cleared a trail - a very narrow path,
so I would not be burdened or - receive His righteous wrath.
For all have sinned -we all fall short. Our way is certain death,
but Jesus chose the path of love right to His dying breath.
Faithful walk the straight and narrow. Just listen to His voice.
We all stand at the crossroads now. Our path is still our choice.
©2005 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
December 14, 2004
GOD CARES, DO YOU? 12-14-04

Some are strangers. Some are dear.
He knows they're hungry. He knows they thirst.
He knows they need Him. He knows they're cursed.
God cares deeply for not just a few;
God cares for all of them. How about you?
©2004 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Matthew 25 (NASB)
40"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'
41"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink;
43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.'
44"Then they themselves also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?'
45"Then He will answer them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.'
46"These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
August 31, 2004
The Answer To My Prayers (summer 2004)
the leaves were brilliant colors, though my eyes were red with tears.
My pain was ever mounting. Death was always surely near -
my troubles and my heartache held me tight in cold, dark fear.
I prayed to Jesus every day. Every burden I could name;
but He never seemed to answer. Every day was still the same.
Life is so unfair I pled, that I should bear this awful pain;
and then without a warning, there I stood in pouring rain.
It came down heavy. The wind blew hard;
the mud was slick, and caught me off-guard.
Embarrassed on the cold ground - increasing anger taking hold -
I'm just too good of person. You so loved me, I was told.
I screamed again, "Life's so unfair - And getting worse!" I hissed,
and with my energy exhausted, I raised an angry fist.
Then something shook my soul. It thundered from the sky-
and then in lightning flashes, two trees had caught my eye.
One bent down across the other, which stood along beside;
it curved if humbly bowing and exposed my selfish pride.
Were my troubles overwhelming- because I was at a loss?
Did my pains need me to stumble to see this simple cross?
So then the prayer I uttered, was something like those trees-
with one bowed low and humbly, as I knelt there on my knees.
The whole of vast unfairness, in life that I had earned;
just couldn't hold a candle, to what I’d finally learned.
Did I deserve some comfort? No bird would dare to sing!
Had I worn a thorn? I thought, endured a nail or anything?
No. My life was easy. My burden unfairly light-
for Jesus seized that evil death, so I could be set right.
Yes, I know that life's unfair, though not to me you see;
but rather to the Lamb of God, His sacrifice for me!
Isaiah 30 (NASB)