"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

March 23, 2008

EASTER Query 3-23-08

Pride is where all evil lurks.
Where is grace and where are works?
Where is Caesar and his men?
Where does history start again?

Where's the silver - thirty pieces?
Where is faith when it all ceases?
Where's Barabbas? Where's the Christ?
Where's the root of evils' price?

Where's the elders and chief priests?
Where's the first and where's the least?
Where's the charge and what's His stance?
Where's the truth and what's its chance?

Where is Pilot? Where's the fault?
Where's the anger and assault?
Where's the sin and where's the quiet?
Where's the screaming and the riot?

Where are those with lying lips?
Where's their words and where's the whips?
Where were Peter, James and John?
What was said (when came upon)?

Where's the mob and where's the scourging?
What had brought the crowds emerging?
Where's the robe of fancy scarlet?
Where's the reed and every threat?

Where's the thorn upon His head?
Where's the king who reigned instead?
Where's the cross and all sins weight?
Where was Simon? Where's the wait?

Where's Golgotha? Where's the thrill?
Where's the blood which had to spill?
Where's the insults and abuse?
Where's the final, last excuse?

Where's the path where He was led?
Where's the charge above His head?
Where's the robbers - left and right?
Where's the rope that bound them tight?

Where are those who took commands?
Where's the nails that pierced His hands?
Where's the nail that set His feet?
Where were Angels, His retreat?

Where are those that took the lead?
Where are those who made Him bleed?
Where are those who blasphemed, mocked?
Where are those in awe and shock?

Where did Jesus take the cup?
Where were His prayers offered up?
Where's the last breath when He died?
Where's the sword that pierced His side?

Where's our sins that He could take?
Where's the thunder and the quake?
Where's the veil that tore in two?
Where's the many - and the few?

Where's the place where Jesus died?
Where's the place of all who lied?
Where's the stone and where's the tomb?
Where's the linen and perfume?

Where's the stone that rolled away?
Where's our thoughts of Him today?
Where's the seal upon the stone?
Where's the truth of the unknown?

Where's their teaching? Where's its flaw?
Where is grace and where is law?
Where's the cross where He was nailed?
Where's the past? Who has prevailed?

Where's the evening and the dawn,
and where's our risen Savior gone?
Where is death and where's its sting?
Where's the past and everything?

Where's the Easter of that day?
What's the Easter we portray?
Where's the hope in Easter eggs?
Where's my strength within my legs?

Except for He who reappeared,
where's the things that disappeared?
Where's the things of rot and rust?
Where's the people - turned to dust?

Where's the aged? Where's the youth?
Where's our thoughts of every truth?
Where's His grace and its reply?
Where's my faith and where am I?

©2008 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

March 20, 2008

True Humility 3-20-08

How many times do I regret
decisions that I make,
then seem to think I know what's right -
and make one more mistake?

How is it I so oft' forget
the friends I have so near?
Why is it that I lose sight of
the ones I should hold dear?

I live in full deception for
I know what lies ahead,
and humbleness will conquer me
right after I am dead.

Yet if I focus on God's love
and what He's done for me,
it's only then that I can live
in true humility.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 19, 2008

ONE WAY 3-19-08

It's my job to make a living -
rise up and not digress;
The owner wants my very best,
and him I must impress.

If I'm to take up my own cross,
if I'm to be like Him;
then I should do a wee bit more
than sing my favorite hymn....

On one hand I'm to follow God,
on the other, pay my bills.
Have I been so conditioned that -
I forgot abortion kills?

Does Jesus shed a little tear
for every child who dies?
And what was I so busy at
I failed to hear the cries?

Some day I must ask myself,
“Who IS my real boss?”
What pieces do I still take up -
the silver or the cross?

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


(NASB) Matt. 27:
3 Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
4 saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."

March 18, 2008

The FULL Armor Of GOD 3-18-08

Every time sins news comes out it throws me to my knees,
and there you'll hear me praying, Lord, help me if you please.
Sin has caused vast famines, lost hope and cursed disease,
but God has always answered clear - to help the least of these.

I ponder sins endurance - throughout the world today,
Greed and shootings, terrorists - all obvious decay.
Often times I only want to hide in my dismay -
but finally put my armor on. It is the only way.

I wrap around my feeble loins the TRUTH of God's decree,
and RIGHTEOUSNESS, my breastplate, is certainly a key.
My feet are shod in Gospel PEACE which makes me ever free,
clasping to my shield of FAITH, I deflect all life's debris.

The Helmet of SALVATION is firmly on my head -
and in my hand the SPIRIT's sword - I read it as I tread.
As He protects the sparrow, and blazed the path ahead,
I follow in His footsteps and trust my Lord instead.

We ponder sins endurance. There's nothing to discuss.
We either do what's in God's will or make a big ol' fuss.
We say that we're too busy - have work, investments, trusts....
Do we really focus on God's will - or selfishly on us?

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 10, 2008

What do we VALUE? 3-10-08

We love money to extreme - and to get more we plan our scheme.
Expectancy has blinded us - yet in excitement, hear us scream.
Where's our faith? Can we not see? The stars can't blind a single flea.
Possessions should not steal the heart for that is where our God should be.

We love sports to the extreme and know the players on each team.
Predictions grip has deafened us - yet when the game starts, hear us scream.
Where's our trust? Can we not hear? Noise can't conquer day or year,
Screaming will not change God's time and soon our echoes disappear.

We love sales to the extreme, the malls and such can fill a dream.
Foresight makes us worldly, dumb - yet in excitement, hear us scream.
Where's our mind? Are we not real? The smallest spokes connect the wheel.
Touch the nail prints on His hands and tell me Jesus cannot feel.

We love life to it's extreme and love our time (so it may seem).
Anticipations make us squirm - yet water's nothing to the cream!
Ponder this if you should care - that spears can't conquer any air.
Several things can break our knees - but can they bend for any prayer?

and what is our WORTH?

Some say God is too profound - He can't be known, He can't be found.
It's then that I must ask myself if my priorities are sound...
"Have I loved the "least of these", as Jesus did (to God's degree)?
And do I now "so love the world" or do I love, but only me?"

"Can I not see my Savior bleed? Do God’s commandments I not heed?
Have I been focused on myself? Am I even worth one mustard seed?"
We all know that - Gods grace is free, but He knows not - the worldly.
Mustard seeds can never boast, yet God lifts you and He lifts me.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 3, 2008

The Ol' Barn 3-3-08

There was a barn once painted red
that stood on grandpa's old homestead.
T'was built so very long ago -
a sorry sight. I told him so.

I often, as a boy, had wondered
why it hadn't ever timbered.
I knew the sagging rafters creaked
and roof, with missing shingles, leaked.

I stepped inside, the barn doors gone
and found it home for sparrows' song.
Circled they, around freely,
over floors in man's debris.

No matter which way I would glance,
dust in the sunlight rays would dance.
The warning cobwebs seemed to sketch.
Between the timbers, they would stretch.

Foundation laid in cobblestone
but its sure footing wasn't known.
Between the stones were gaping cracks
that could not hide the basic facts.

Now every post in building leaned,
and wall to wall had needed cleaned.
The winter winds would whistle through.
That big ol' barn had lost, I knew.

The weather's sin had taken toll
and wind and sleet had found its soul.
Its only purpose, couldn't render -
so it offered full surrender.

Now that ol' barn is much like us
and in our wants, we make a fuss.
Our sagging souls are so uncouth
that we no longer seek the truth.

Deceit flies in our open door
'til we care little anymore.
We’d rather compromise instead
as cobwebs fill our empty head.

Our minds are filled in sins' debris
with anyone whom we'd agree.
The love is lost between our bones.
It leaves us cold with loosened stones.

Will our beliefs stand firm, upright -
or will we yield to windy blight?
Are we responsible instead, or
is our character really dead?

Down through the years, the time has lapsed
and long ago that barn collapsed.
As I look now at its demise
I listen to the worlds last cries....

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 23, 2008

Voices 2-23-08

Do we read our Bibles, fold our hands,
but then forget God's great commands?

I look around our little church,
do a headcount, do a search

of each and every person there -
then ask myself, "Do we not care?"

Okay I know, I'm not to judge -
but wonder if God holds a grudge.

If God is love please tell me this -
why killing infants we dismiss?

No, the unborn cannot speak
and each is weak and so unique.

I wonder if those cries of pain
will always call to me in vain?

While fervently I pray for life -
another's lost under a knife.

Is it my fault? What have I done?
Does my vote count? I have but one.

For years and years and years and years
their cries have fallen on deaf ears....

Would I, for someone, take this cross
when that is someone else's loss?

So softens, as we wayward drift,
the echo's from His gracious gift.

Oh, some might say it's so absurd -
but was it His small voice I heard?

Our rights, oh, we'll grease and grease
while legal infants' voices cease.

Created in His image too,
their one lone right.  Is that not due?

While squeaky wheels take the oil,
the unborn are financial spoil.

Thrown out in waste cans with the trash,
replaced with dirty filthy cash.

Can I not care year after year -
nor shed again just one more tear?

Will tears no longer find my cheeks?
Do I ignore when His voice speaks?

I'm saddened I have so succumbed
to selfish ones who beat their drums.

I get accustomed, sing my praise -
while others vote their selfish ways.

We go to work. We go to schools.
We follow all their subtle rules,

Time consumes us - sun to suns.
Will God still lift us lazy ones?

When we accept another's choice,
do we not hear God's still small voice?

Do we sing hymns in mindless ease -
or really love the least of these?

Do we read Bibles, fold our hands,
but then ignore God's great commands?

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Luke 6:46 (NASB)
"Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?”
Matthew 25:40 (NASB) 
 "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you,
to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'"

February 22, 2008

Z 2-22-08

‘Z’ is last - but not in this poem!
Letters take thought and patience to grow 'em.

‘A’ seems reserved for its special space,
and may have tantrums if not in first place.

Twenty-five letters still have to be passed,
to find that lone ‘Z’ which was meant to be last.

I ponder the meaning of last and not first,
and wonder at one point if ‘Z’ had been cursed.

But ‘Z’, in this poem has gotten first place.
Hopefully that puts a smile on its face!

The day will soon come where first will be last,
the last will be first and won’t be surpassed.

Now here is a secret so keep your eyes peeled.
Just maybe you’ll find every letter revealed.

It was quite a chore to mix letters this way,
but this time - in last place - you'll find letter ‘A’.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Every letter can be found in this poem.
If you need help, here are the answers:
A - "A"
B - But
C - patienCe
D - reserveD
E - poEm
F - First
G - Grow
H - tHis
I - Is
J - Just
K - taKe
L - Last
M - poeM
N - Not
O - nOt
P - Poem
Q - Quite
R - letteRs
S - laSt
T - lasT
U - bUt
V - reserVed
W - groW
X - miX
Y - maY
Z - "Z"


Mark 9:(NASB)
34 But they kept silent,
for on the way they had discussed with one another which of them was the greatest.
35 Sitting down, He called the twelve and said to them,
"If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all."
36 Taking a child, He set him before them,
and taking him in His arms, He said to them,
37 "Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me;
and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me."


February 21, 2008

Will I See You? 2-21-08

Will I see you in Heaven?
Will I see you up there?
I love you my son.
Do you really not care?

It's hard, often times,
to find something to say,
And difficult too -
for my love to convey.

You are often busy.
You're working too hard,
Running on errands
and cleaning your yard.

Have you no more time
to come by and see me?
If we could change places
just how would that be?

Yes, what if the tables
were turned just a bit,
And you were in my shoes -
would you then admit,

That all of the efforts
I made to see you,
Were ever so feeble
and long overdue.

Oh, I am not perfect.
Not one little bit.
And I am not lonely -
as I sit and knit.

I pray and thank Him
for all He has given.
While you are unhappy,
I am forgiven.

But if you were here,
I would tell you right now,
"Repent of your troubles -
And I'd show you how."

I'd tell you 'bout Jesus -
resurrection and such,
And then too, you'd feel
the great Master's touch.

I love you my son
so please don't stay away.
Come right on over -
and do not delay.

Will I see you in Heaven?
Will I see you up there?
I love you my son.
I will keep you in prayer.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 9, 2008

Working Faith 2-9-08

Why is faith without works always dead?
Does only God work in my future ahead?
Was I only created for church and fluff,
and am I (in His image) not good enough?

Did Jesus do nothing - but only believed,
and sweat drops like blood, but never received,
the whippings, the insults, the anger and scorns,
the judgment, the nails, the sharp crown of thorns?

If sweat were sufficient then where would I be -
without His great work on that cross just for me?
His faith produced work - and the love in God's grace,
forgave me right here as He hung in disgrace.

"Forgive them," He said, "they know not what they do."
The work was soon finished - for me and for you.
"Abba, Father!!" to God Jesus cried!!
Yes, God worked a miracle - and then Jesus died.

So can miracles happen if I only believe,
sit on my hands, excuses to weave?
If I'm to be Christ-like, if I'm to show love -
the work found within me gets strength from above.

Yes, faith without works will always be dead -
but don't believe me, for that's what God said.
I'm made in His image. I can't sit around.
And where there is need, Lord, let me be found!

Do I leave my neighbors with, "Have a nice day"
or bring them to Jesus in my special way?
In His image - in my own special place,
He gave me a mission none else can replace.

To grasp His faith, His work, His loss,
I, in His image, must too bear my cross.
I’m a mere nothing but a void, hollow shell,
unless true working faith brings His miracle...

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Genesis 5:1(KJ)
"This is the book of the generations of Adam.
In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;"

James 2:26 (NASB)
"For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."


February 3, 2008

Now Me 2-3-08

I say that I love Jesus, and pray to Him each day.
But how can I love Jesus when I'm going my own way?
Do I really trust Him now, and do I really share -
Or ignore the 'least of these' and really do not care?

Can I wait another day to save a soul from death?
But who gives me tomorrow when I'm guaranteed no breath?
So why do I hold onto what - enslaves me to my wants?
And why do I so selfishly - hold to what Satan flaunts?

I cry when I see Jesus - who I've replaced with toys...
I cry when all alone I sit - without His greatest joys...
I cry when I see Jesus - my actions all deny...
I cry when I look to the cross - against the darkened sky...

I cry when I see Jesus - who I've replaced with chores...
I cry when all alone I sit - while blessings He outpours...
I cry when I see Jesus - I fall upon my face...
I cry when I look at His love - unbridled by His grace...

I cry when I see Jesus. My faults, can list them all...
I cry when I look to His face - and how He took my fall...
I cry when I see Jesus - my efforts fall short of...
I cry when I look to His face - yet floods me with His love...

I cry to Him when I am down. I cry to Him up there.
I cry to Him. I cry to Him. I cry my every prayer...
I cry when I am fastened down - as sin has tempted me...
I cry when I look to His face. From chains He sets me free!

I say that I love Jesus, and pray to Him each day.
But how can I love Jesus when I'm going my own way?
Do I really trust Him now, and do I really share -
Or ignore the 'least of these'? So do I really care?

Can I wait just one more day - to save a soul from death?
But who gives me tomorrow when I'm guaranteed no breath?
So why do I hold onto what - enslaves me to my wants?
And why do I so selfishly - hold to what Satan flaunts?

My faith cannot be split in two. I am not on the fence.
I'm hot or cold, but not lukewarm. Does that make any sense?
I've heard - or cannot hear. I'm blind – or I can see.
I'm either trusting in my God - or not. He sends now me.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


January 1, 2008

VOTE 1-1-08

America - there is but one. She cannot be replaced;
should someday soon - may God forbid - it lay in terrors' waste.

Bloody bandages surround those stars that hold this voter free.
So many soldiers bravely fought, reserving this for me.

We research every candidate through study and in prayer,
then go record our only vote, lest weakened threads might tear.

No candidate is perfect, so heed this little clue:
Find the man who's honest. Is perfection all in you?

Some lay waste their privilege, and will not go and vote...
and how'd our Nation's Anthem sound, missing just one note?

My vote is too important - for many fought and died.
My vote cannot be purchased. My vote won't be denied.

I'll not vote my pocketbook nor vote what's best for me,
but rather focus on our flag - my country 'tis of thee.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 19, 2007

True Need 11-19-07

Everything I cannot see -
Wind, noise, heat or gravity.
Everything I cannot hear -
Clouds colliding far and near.

I can’t see all. I can’t hear all.
Gods all-knowing. Man is small.
I can’t smell all. I can’t taste all.
God is love, and man shall fall.

We can’t sniff out our way to crawl,
But we can see ourselves so tall.
We can’t hear a simple call.
So man denies and builds his wall.

God made the stars, the earth and sky,
And all creation does comply.
God made babies so they cry.
God made all - yet man asks, “Why?”

Man needs to touch. Man needs to feel.
But God is love. We need to heal.
God stands on love. We stand on sod.
And in His image, we need God.

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


A Little Lesson 11-18-07

Do we attempt to “create” our own God? because we think we know what He should be doing or what is best for us or our “religion”? With all the mistakes I make, I’m glad God doesn’t always answer my prayers the way I think they should be answered….

I learned a little lesson. Let me share it with you now.
I should have told you years ago but didn't know quite how.

God is like the sunshine that blesses us for years,
Jesus, like the ocean breeze that dries our several tears.

God is faithful to us all. He doesn't fail or stray
He is like the morning sun that rises every day.

Jesus knows our troubles. He knows our every hope.
He knows which crosses we can bear. He knows that we can cope.

While death is like the darkness with troubles everywhere.
Life is like the sunshine - its brightness we all share.

This little lesson I had learned before my final day -
that I am not the 'Potter' - and God is not the clay.

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Isaiah 29: 15-16 (NASB)
15Woe to those who deeply hide their plans from the LORD, And whose deeds are done in a dark place, And they say, "Who sees us?" or "Who knows us?"
16You turn things around! Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay,
That what is made would say to its maker, "He did not make me"; Or what is formed say to him who formed it, "He has no understanding"


November 2, 2007

Christmas Day 11-2-07

In a little manger lay,
a baby sleeping on the hay,
The Magi followed Heavens' star,
offered gifts and knelt to pray.

At that time - above the straw,
oh, to see what Shepherds saw:
A baby there, so weak and meek -
would one day bring the people awe.

The multitudes will follow Him,
one tries to seek Him from a limb.
He'd heal the sick and raise the dead,
until one day when all turns grim.

He rose again without a boast,
and then He sent the Holy Ghost.
Yes, every day's a special gift,
but Christmas day has brought us most.

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Care To Carry 11-2-07

IN the pain of that cross - over Calvary's hill
I looked down around, but had loved you all still.
I saw all the multitude milling about -
And where you were standing, there is not a doubt.

Do you know where you were? Were you leading the band?
Right there up in front - with your sword firm in hand?
Or were you in back of that great multitude,
Indifferent to me? Do you know where you stood?

Through the pain of the cross - over Calvary's hill
I still look on down – but love you all still.
I see all the multitudes milling about
And where you're now standing, there is not a doubt.

Do you know where you stand? Do you now know the price?
Do you say that you love me but won't sacrifice?
Do you not know my burden? Do you not see my loss?
Do you not care for others nor carry your cross?

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

October 28, 2007

Forgive Me 10-28-07

I give you this - because I'm sorry,
for something that I've done.
I'm no angel. I'm not God,
nor perfect like His Son.

I am sorry. Please forgive me.
There's nothing I can pray.
Please believe me, I am sorry.
There's nothing more to say.

So many times - I've made mistakes.
And I've hurt you a lot.
From this I ask forgiveness from -
though I deserve it not.

I turn my eyes, on Jesus now,
I feel His loving grace.
Beneath the crown, between the nails,
I see His precious face.

My only hope?  You'll see in me,
what Jesus saw in you,
as He prayed "Father, forgive them for
they know not what they do."

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 15, 2007

In His Image 10-15-07

Before the birth, Father prepared Him a bed.
He then was born, as God created.
The young Boy played. Father gave Him drink and bread,
And nurtured Him, as He created.

This young Man grew. Father taught Him every thread,
And trained Him up, as He created.
This Man had served. Father's love was widely spread,
to the masses, as He created.

This Man was tried. Father's love had never fled,
from His people, as He created.
This Man was whipped. Father held Him as He bled,
and to the cross, as He created.

His Son was hung. Father's wrath was on His head,
first became last, as He created.
Dead and buried, Father lifted Him instead,
Last became first, as He created.

Yet now I live. Who knows my road ahead?
Those questions cry, as He created.
So I take up my cross - and am faithfully led,
in His image, as He created.

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Genesis 1:27 (KJV)“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.”


October 10, 2007

Focused Faith 10-10-07

I had the 'gift' but through my pride,
Rampant my thoughts - Heaven's gates wide.
Your grace saved, unlike the world, this wretched soul from sin.
I didn’t know – what are these voids within?

Forgive me, Lord! Please hear my cry,
But can I forgive? Do I comply?
If clouds would open up a bit and I could see this Heaven,
Would I now forgive - to seventy times seven?

Lord, I believe! In You I've heard,
Studied Scripture, memorized Your Word.
I don't speak as those Pharisee’s of old,
But firm on theology, has my love grown cold?

Increase my faith I cry, oh God!
I seek perfect peace - is that so odd?
But deaf and blind, clouds Your everlasting love.
Can I not see - or fix my eyes above?

Oh, ye of little faith neglect,
Heaven's things - but you, the earth reflect;
And you worry, to gain your Holy birth,
Focused not on Godly things, but rather things of earth.

Then humble me, dear Lord I pray,
To Your cross, draw me nearer – lest I wayward stray.
Dare I take up my simple cross and also teach,
During tribulation - find other souls to reach?

Through this small truth, I now can see,
And my ears hear the still, small voice of Thee;
I see You faithful on that cross. Love in voice I hear.
So may my body die of self - and focused faith run clear.

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 8, 2007

FREEDOM 10-08-07

We are either slave or free. There is no in-between.
Freedom is not tangible, but surely it is seen -
seen on every human face, residing in the heart -
free from any slavery - when we all do our part.

Who can be part master - or be a part time slave -
or sometimes be a little wimp - at other times be brave?
Does freedom have a light switch that we turn off and on,
or is it the foundation that this Nation’s built upon?

Let no one now deceive us - as freedom must be pure,
for if it cracks or crumbles, then slavery is sure.
And let us not be selfish, but protect both young and old -
the innocent from anywhere - marching bravely, bold.

The world forgets so quickly - one man’s deceptive lie ,
who stole the lives of millions - who wouldn't hear their cry.
Many bury deep their heads while terrorists still stalk,
but there’s no time for politics. It’s time to walk the talk.

Jesus' talk was often bold and later He was nailed.
 He 'walked' in service to the cross, but freedom had prevailed.
  Freedom from satanic grip - though wars there'll always be -
until the wars in souls end, the world can't be free.


Innocent children, women and men continue to be enslaved, tortured and killed.
Through sacrifice, support FREEDOM for all. Through America, let's build.

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
