"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

August 30, 2015

I See Spring! 8-30-15

(Four generations: Lucy Ellen Gander, Sarah Evaline Palmer (standing),
Susanna Sanborn, Katherine Jadwin, circa 1874. Sarah is Nathan Gander's wife.)

"With picture faded on the wall -
oh, who could understand it all?

For yesterday began the spring
when we could dance and we could sing.

But faded now, our lively songs
with grasses dead and flowers gone.
Today I stand somewhat dismayed.
and of tomorrow, am afraid.

My wrinkled face now bears a frown.
I find the whole world up-side-down.

From government to businesses -
the world is busy, all abuzz.

The love of money, Satan's hook.
What's with the envy?  Take a look!

In all the world, who understands?
Does love for money stain our hands?
Some day in Heaven, happily -
I'll sing God's praises out with glee!

Who cares of clothes or car I drive?
I am with Him and am alive!

Today, I see deception's sting -
but of tomorrow, I see spring!

With picture faded on the wall -
oh, who would understand it all?

©2015 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 28, 2015

If I Haven't Died 8-28-15

There were many things I thought important
when I was a child -
like walking and skipping and running wild -
but were they?

There were many things I thought important
in my middle years -
like career or sports and drinking beers -
but were they?

There are many things I think important
now later in life -
like health, adult diapers and dealing with strife -
but are they?

There will be many things I'll think important -
eternity's ever -
when hell has its fury - 'cause I thought I knew better.
Will they be...?

Do you get the picture now?  Do you understand -
of Heaven's importance - not this sin's wasteland?

But Jesus still waits, 'cause it's never too late -
(if I haven't died) -
to confess and repent - and be sanctified -
now.  Right now.

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Revelation 3:20 (KJV)
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:
if any man hear my voice, and open the door,
I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

August 13, 2015

Li'l Puff 8-13-15

Now Li'l Puff was kind of sad.
He looked up at his giant dad,
"Oh, why am I a little cloud
but you are big and thunder loud?

"Your lightning flashes 'cross the sky
but I can't do it when I try...
And also, when you rain, you pour!
I try and try but can't rain more..."

So once again he tried so hard
to rain down drops upon a yard.
He thought he let down God and Heav'n
when counted, he, but ninety-seven.

The sod was turning gray and brown
and plants were dying all around.
Will ninety-seven drops of rain
still keep alive what does remain?

Then mom spoke up and said, "Dear son,
God wouldn't care if you had none.
He knows if you have done your best.
Be humble and He'll do the rest."

But Li'l Puff, not satisfied,
had drooped his head and cried and cried.
He wanted to be just like dad,
but he was small.  It made him sad.

So Li'l Puff had had enough.
He packed his toys and other stuff.
He ran away for life anew -
to be some ice, or maybe dew.

Descending down upon a log
our Li'l Puff became a fog.
For quite some time he rested there,
without a hope, without a care.

Sometimes he'd cry, sometimes he'd sigh.
Two long and lonely weeks went by...
Then suddenly, out of the blue,
he heard a voice from little 'Sue'.

Excitedly, she called her mom -
then called her dad and brother Tom.
"My brand new plant has bloomed a rose!'
It's fragrance touched her little nose.

While Li'l Puff was still in gloom -
what caused that little rose to bloom?
Though sometimes we have not a clue -
those ninety-seven raindrops knew.

We might not see a pretty rose
from poems that we might compose,
but God creates.  Yes, He does still.
Just be content to do His will.

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 9, 2015

Buried Treasure 8-09-15

I found a buried treasure map inside a dusty book.
It showed the paths of journeys old.  I took a closer look.

I studied meanings of those paths through all my bias views
and cut more paths with stubbornness in search of crucial clues.
Exposed were possibilities where treasures could be found,
so I mapped out my own small world where I could look around.

I envied after treasures so.  I took my ev'ry tool.
I took my shovel and my ax, my compass and my mule.
(My shovel was my selfish greed.  The ax was my own tongue.
My mule was my brand new car and friends I was among.)

I loaded up my mighty ship (that one might call 'career')
and I believed that treasure chest was very, very near.
I stood at helm, determined, on my great big sailing ship.
So confident I'd reach my goals, I held a solid grip.

I followed all the earthly rules and took each cautious measure,
went ashore on sev'ral lands in search of buried treasure.
I overturned huge stubborn stones so very burdensome -
but all I found was sinful filth and weary had become.

I thought that gold awaited me, bright silver and fine jewels -
but found out very soon that I was dumbest of the fools.
For years and decades I had searched - until one day I quit.
A treasure hunter, I was not.  I sadly was unfit.

So overboard, I threw my pride...  Depressed I was, in shock.
My anchor splashed and sank in seas then held in solid rock.
I found a much more stable life - no longer lost, adrift.
T'was then my broken heart exposed that great and precious gift.

Is treasure only found in something torn and ripped apart
and buried down and deep inside - like my own broken heart?
We hope to find true happiness with our own 'treasure maps',
but tell me - are we pirates here - with selfish goals perhaps?

I hadn't found that treasure buried deep inside of me,
until I found a little 'key' that's called humility.
And now that I've discovered it, my soul is filled with glee!
And that uncovered treasure now, has made me fully free.

Don't follow those on stormy seas where you are tossed and twirled.
Accept the treasure of His love, 'for God so loved the world'.
And don't be fake, a hypocrite who doesn't care to look,
but search down deep inside your heart (the map is in His Book).

So follow trail down deep inside so you aren't left behind.
Accept the grace of Jesus then.  Great treasure you will find!

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 6, 2015

Problems Bigger Than Mine? 8-6-15

"Whose problems are bigger than mine?" asked I,
Whose problems are bigger than mine?"
Oh, who can solve problems that cannot be solved
when the world is in such decline?
A flood of deep emotions came
as I washed out to sea.
And drifted off, was everything
that I'll no longer see.

My business assets disappeared
behind those foamy waves.
My friends and fam'ly taken too,
my parents pushed in graves.

I clenched my fists while tears spilled out.
I swung them through thin air -
above the oceans of my tears -
for no one seemed to care.

I screamed in savage anger as
I watched those waters churn.
Depressed, I was, for all those years,
not knowing where to turn.

Who could begin to take my place
and not be temperamental?
Problems, financial and physical too,
so mentally monumental!

My life had fallen all apart.
I was a total loss,
...but then, I learned another One
was nailed to a cross!
"Whose problems were bigger than mine?" asked I,
Whose problems were bigger than mine?"
Oh, who solved the problems that could't be solved
when the world was in such decline?

©2015 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 1, 2015

Great Republican Debate, The 8-1-15

With crowd, ecstatic, you might think
that truth might finally win.
But no, the brag fest lingered on
in shallow, selfish din.
The candidates deceive us all.
Pet projects, each discusses.
They came to this, the 'Great Debate'
in jets and campaign buses.

The smiles they wore were priceless, but
so sly, those hungry foxes.
And all of them were standing tall
on top of their soapboxes.

A bulging 'muscle' claimed that he
was strong enough to bring,
a welfare check to everyone -
for he was not 'right-wing'.

The 'fat' said, "I will throw my weight
around when president.
I'll bridge the budget deficit
until you're all content."

The 'hand' had interrupted then
and stated with a flair,
"I promise 'common core' will work.
You'll keep your free health care."

The 'eye' had seen the goings on
and interrupted too.
"I have a vision others don't.
You know the skies are blue..."

Then 'lung' spoke up so very loud
and said, "Economy!"
I promise you more great trade deals
if you'll just vote for me!"

The 'ear' intently listened as
the others took their turns.
"I've listened very carefully
and I have grave concerns."

The 'brain' said intellectually,
"I'll pass new welfare laws..."
then said, "Without me, you've no hope."
(He drew a large applause).

Now 'Rump' spoke up as clapping slowed,
"I have a wallet here.
I will secure the border walls.
You've nothing more to fear."

The 'nose' breathed something awful in
and sneezed out something crass.
"The dung is getting deep in here
and someone's passing gas."

The laughter carried on a spell
'til all was calm inside.
But serious, the issues are.
So many guiltless died.

A silence then, was broken when
a lowly nominee -
said, "Why are we so selfish here
and honest, cannot be?
Our rights are lost when we reject
Our Constitution is the law!
Where is our sanity?

"While some are selling baby parts,
perpetuating lies,
while money flows into their hands -
another baby dies.
May voters not vote selfishly
while those on stage connive.
Atrocious things are happening.
Who here is still alive?"

But he was laughed right off the stage
by old pathetic goats,
by those who memorized their quotes,
by those who bribed for votes.

The one who they laughed off the stage,
the one who they suppressed -
was honest, fair and humble too -
and truly was the best.

My poem ends with corrupt press
who once again refuse,
to give exposure to the best.
Again, from chaff, we choose.
With crowd, ecstatic, you might think
that truth might finally win.
But no, the brag fest lingered on
in shallow, selfish din.

©2015 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 27, 2015

Music Box, The 7-27-15

I prayed for peace,
I prayed for me,
I questioned God
to some degree.
I loved to entertain myself
so took the small box from the shelf.
I carefully, the dust, removed
from ev'ry little, tiny groove.

Beholding it for quite awhile,
I cherished its antique-ish style.
Can this old box, this afternoon,
play once again, its pretty tune?

Familiar songs with tiny chimes
are like a poet's perfect rhymes.
I hear the clock, its 'ticks' and 'tocks',
then slowly open music box.

It's been some years since it has played,
but soon a simple sound it made.
Through tears of joy and tears of love,
it's grandma now I'm thinking of.

Though she won't sing here anymore,
her music plays as years before.
Her praises in harmonic chord
lift ever higher to the Lord.

The heavens call, emotions float,
on each and ev'ry fragile note.
But decades passed... so many years.
She's often lost among my tears.

Though mem'ry dim, I can recall -
her Godly ways, her life and all.
Her music box is all I've got -
and like my Lord, it changes not.

He doesn't change.  He never fails -
despite my storms, despite His nails.
In tune with peace and love for me,
God answers prayers so faithfully.

Before I place it back on shelf,
committed, I will humble self.
So blessed I am,  I praise His name.
My life will never be the same.
As in the past,
God answers right.
I close the lid...
and hold it tight.

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 23, 2015

This Wide World 7-23-15

Is this wide world a better place,
or have I made it worse?
Is my life something God can bless -
or is it just a curse?
Frustrated, I so often am
when I help those in need -
because when they have turned on me -
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.

Frustrated, I so often am
when I see thieves succeed -
and politicians turn blind eye.
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.

Frustrated, I so often am
when I see Christian seed -
'hawking' books or their CDs..
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.

Frustrated, I so often am
when I see drugs and 'weed' -
killing off our naive youth.
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.

Frustrated, I so often am
when enemies are freed -
only to come kill again.
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.

Frustrated, I so often am
when no one cares to lead -
like Moses, the great prophet did.
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.

No, everyone just seems to roam
where profits feed their greed -
instead to where downtrodden are.
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.

Who sacrificed Himself for this!?
Did our Lord have to bleed?
I pray today we're one with Christ.
I'm hurt, so much, indeed.
Is this wide world a better place,
or have I made it worse?
Is my life something God can bless -
or is it just a curse?

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 12, 2015

Without A Single Fear 7-12-15

While resting in a field of grass,
I pray, "Almighty God,
The breezes blow in constant waves.
I find it somewhat odd -
I find it odd that grasses bend
and give in to the breeze.
I find it odd that they don't fight,
Are they the least of these?"

God's answer was immediate
as I searched deep inside.
Did I move with the breezes too?
Did I have faults to hide?
Did breezes blow me to and fro?
Did I bend as the field?
Do sins of old and sins anew
keep me from being healed?

Determined then to live correct
in world that isn't 'just' -
I must live life as Jesus did.
Forgiveness is a must.
Oh, there's no doubt that I was wronged
and plagues will follow me,
but faithfully I'll follow Him
and live life reverently.

With elbow on soft, velvet grass
and hand against my ear,
while resting on the greenest slope,
my wishes disappear.
Earth passes now, or so it seems,
as I am resting here,
without concern or troubled angst,
without a single fear.

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 3, 2015

Creation's Clue 7-3-15

Accept, do I, the words I've heard,
with most correct, but some absurd?
Accept, do I, decision's fate
and all the problems I create?

Accept, do I, the sunset's hue,
that grass is green and leaves are too?
Accept, do I, my primrose path,
my grave mistakes that mandate wrath?

Accept, do I, the brilliant rose,
that it is covered when it snows?
Accept, do I, that winters bring
a certain death 'til warming spring?

Accept, do I, a baby's smile
and baby's laugh that's so worthwhile?
Accept, do I, all I behold,
that truth and love are good to hold?

Accept, do I, creation's clues,
so why not my Creator too!?
Accept, do I, confession's face,
repentant tears, redeeming grace?

Accept, do I, the guilt I hold,
that as days pass, I'm getting old?
Accept, do I, my sovereign God
before I'm laid here under sod?

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 20, 2015

Rev. Billy Graham 6-20-15

It seems like only yesterday
when I was sitting there -
with black and white TV turned on -
where one man came to share...

Connected, were the speakers (to
a single microphone) -
that echoed over massive crowds
as seeds of truth were sown.

The seeds from God's own Holy Word
were falling on the ears -
of ev'ry soul attending there
throughout those many years.

The overcrowded stadiums
held people, young and old,
who listened quite intently to
the words that they were told...

...so everyone could know the Christ
that He was speaking of.
His sermons were straight-forward, bold
and unabashed with love.

He loved the Christ who lived to help
the poor, the sick, the weak -
who died to save us from our sins -
then rose for those who seek.

Familiar, that distinguished voice
that boldly spoke the truth.
Familiar was that humble man
who loved the aged and youth.

And as the alter call was sang
through tears, "Just As I Am" -
repentant souls in thousands came
to be with Billy Graham.

My eyes still well with many tears
as I look back and see -
a man who loved as Jesus did
through black and white TV.

It seems like only yesterday
when I was sitting there -
with black and white TV turned on -
where one man came to share...
Thank you Rev. Billy Graham
for your many decades
of unselfish, faithful service
preaching His Word that never fades.

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


May 27, 2015

Sorry 5-27-15

A tot, I was and always free.
My toys were there and calling me.

I had no time to hear your stories.

And as a youngster, had some things -
toys and games, a slide and swings.

I had no time to hear your stories.

So busy, I, with teenage years
as music soothed my hungry ears.

I had no time to hear your stories.

Our wedding was a fancy one.
So proud we were of our first son.

I had no time to hear your stories.

I labored very hard at work,
but problems?  They would always lurk.

I had no time to hear your stories.

Then older, I had had some pains.
My stock was down.  I had few gains.

I had no time to hear your stories.
Oh calendar, Reverse the years,
reverse regrets, my sins and fears.

I now have time for many stories.

Once unaware, through breeze confess,
dead leaves that toss against me, press.

I now have time for many stories.

Through my excuses, alibis -
I knew in private of your cries.

I now have time for many stories.

Back here at home, at humble grave,
In tears, your stories now I crave.

I now have time for all your stories.

But time flies by and by, it slips -
so word repeated from my lips?

"Sorry."  "Sorry."  "Sorry."

©2015 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


May 18, 2015

Still Thirsty 5-18-15

Through the desert I walked, still thirsty.
I was burned from the sun in the sky.
I was praying, "Dear Jesus, please help me!"
Yet my prayers dried away, but why...?

On hot sand I walked.  I was lonely
from results of my wide-sweeping sin.
I was praying, "Dear Jesus, please help me!"
as the sun burned my leather-like skin.

So I paused and I stood, so weary.
My sore feet burned each time I had stepped.
I was praying, "Dear Jesus, please help me!"
then fell on my face and I slept...

I dreamed there of safe haven's valley -
where the green grasses waved in the wind.
I was praying, "Dear Jesus, please help me!"
and repented, for I had sinned.

And dreamed of brook, to satisfy thirst,
where the bubbling waters were cool -
where I'd be last and put Jesus first -
but awoke to a world so cruel.

Awakened by breeze that caused me see
an oasis some distance away.
I was praying, "Dear Jesus, please help me!"
and promised Him I'd always stay.

I was drawn to that pool of water.
I in peered, but my face was a mess.
So washed as sun seemed much cooler.
I was happy that God had blessed.

I knew God could give me protection.
With countenance clean, I looked great!
The still water had given reflection
to an ego that none could deflate.

Through the desert I walked, still thirsty.
I was burned from the sun in the sky.
I was praying, "Dear Jesus, please help me!"
Yet my prayers dried away, but why...?

©2015 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


April 20, 2015

Not Me & Not You 4-20-15

I may be old fashioned and that's why I'm shunned -
so don't stare there gawking, confused and so stunned.

Don't judge me because of my deafness and age.
Don't judge me because I may seem disengaged.

Don't judge me because of my old wrinkled face.
Don't judge me because I still live in this place.

Don't judge me because of the place where I work -
whether a bus-boy, a cashier or clerk.

Don't judge me because you've more money than I.
Don't judge me because I will frequently cry.

Don't judge me because of my father or mother -
my country, my neighbors, my sister or brother.

Don't judge my defining complete families -
one father, one mother with full liberties.

Don't judge me because of the car that I drive.
Don't judge me because I don't lie and connive.

Don't judge me because I'm no drunk or narcotic,
but proud and committed and most patriotic.

Don't judge me because I'll defend our top law,
our God-given rights that I hold up in awe.

Don't judge me when tears 'well up' into my eyes
whenever there's terror - as each child dies.

Don't judge me because I respect unborn life
and give of my morsels to slow down the strife.

Don't judge me because I've so little to give.
Don't judge me because I've so few years to live.

Don't judge me because of the morals you lack.
May modesty, love and respect return back.

Don't judge me because I will do no one harm.
Don't judge me because I live on a small farm.

Don't judge me because of the clothes that I wear.
Don't judge me because you will not hear me swear.

Don't judge me because I might be a bit shy,
don't envy your assets, cheat, steal or lie.

Don't judge me because I have faith in my God.
Don't judge me that day when I lie under sod.

Do you love your money, your laughter and fun?
Have you fed the hungry?  Hmm, what have you done?

Don't judge me because you have food on your shelf,
but look in the mirror and then judge yourself.

Look into your eyes - deep into your soul -
and see if there isn't one speck of dark coal.

Admit to yourself and Creator above -
that 'things' are but idols that pilfer your love.

Repent of your selfishness, envy and pride,
then give up your greed and embrace Heaven's side.

Contentment, you'll find, as your burdens decrease.
When Jesus comes into your heart, you'll find peace.

Don't face it, ignore it - but life ends.  It's true.
And God will be judging.  Not me and not you.

©2015 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


April 16, 2015

Wish the Fish 11 (love) 4-16-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
The church seemed very quiet there
below each ocean wave -
and blessed, a special mother was,
because her son behaved.
He didn't whine, he didn't squirm,
he didn't make a sound -
and sat so still and reverently
when off'ring came around.

The doctor bills had taken all -
so money?  She had none.
The off'ring plate had passed her by
- but not her little son.
Inside his 'hand', his tiny fin
where heart and love enjoin,
a 'clink' had echoed through the church.
Dropped in, his little coin.

Her heart was heavy knowing that
she couldn't show more love -
by doing things for her small son
she thought the world of -
...like take him to some baseball games,
go camping after dark -
...like going on vacations,
or to amusement park.

Then after church, as sun came out,
as pastor shook each hand,
as mom and son had left the church -
the pastor didn't stand.
He knelt through socializing noise
with laughter in the air -
and shook the hand of her young boy,
there in his wheel chair.

That night when they knelt down to pray
for animal and bird -
and other fish throughout the sea,
his little voice, she heard.
Despite their plight, his pleading prayer
was for a hungry boy -
so fail, she did, containing tears
from overwhelming joy.

With tear-stained cheeks, so proud she was -
the way that he had prayed -
in humble, true sincerity -
with love for poor displayed.
His meager off'ring, God had blessed
as sleep had passed his way.
They say the ocean level rose -
a thousand tears that day.

Now folded up in closet dark,
a dusty wheelchair -
but wholesome legacy of love
is still expanding there -
where coins drop in the off'ring plates
below each ocean wave.
And blessed, a special mother is,
with treasured mem'ries saved.
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)
Grandpa Koi (introduced in story 08)
Farmer Flounder (introduced in story 08)
Catfish Jim (introduced in story 10)

April 5, 2015

Wish the Fish 10 (compassion) 4-5-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
He seemed to be at his wits end
when Wish the Fish said to his friend,
"Please be at peace in reverent mood.
Do not do drugs or eat junk food.
Chew up your food and do not choke
and do not drink or snort or smoke."

But listen?  Wish's friend did not.
Bad habits grew in him a lot.
He didn't try to change his ways
and he seemed always in a daze.
His friend was Catfish, Catfish Jim -
and habits got the best of him.

"Just stay away!  Leave me alone.
Your voice has a disdainful tone.
Don't preach to me and do not call.
You always think you know it all.
Keep all your morals to yourself.
Leave me alone.  I love myself."

So Wish the Fish went on his way.
And time went on - day after day.
He prayed for Catfish Jim, of course,
to Father God, creation's source.
But facts of life are always true.
The same for me.  The same for you.

Are we diff'rent?  Are we special?
Do we expect a miracle?
Well, Jim called from the hospital.
He said, "I'm down... feeling awful."
Wish visited, but things looked grim.
There looking sad, was Catfish Jim.

"The doctor says that there's no hope.
I can't survive this downward slope.
I wish, good habits, I'd exchanged -
for good ones.  How I wish I'd changed.
You tried to help - so thank you Wish.
You tried to warn this stubborn fish."

Well, God will often answer prayer
and blesses us in loving care
that brings new hope and miracles
and stands us up on pinnacles.
New life for Catfish had begun.
He testifies to everyone!
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)
Grandpa Koi (introduced in story 08)
Farmer Flounder (introduced in story 08)
Catfish Jim (introduced in story 10)

April 2, 2015

Wish the Fish 09 (integrity) 4-2-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
To show respect, they all stood up.
Wish wished this day would pass.
It couldn't be!  But yes, it was!
The judge was Big Mouth Bass!

The prosecutor raised his voice,
"His reputation's filthy!
He brags, he cheats, he steals, he lies.
He's guilty, guilty, guilty!

"I'll prove beyond a shadow's doubt -
That Wish is a disgrace!
His actions have dishonored us!
I know we'll win this case."

Well, Wish the Fish was quite perplexed
at all the accusations.
He didn't want to be in court
guarding reputation.

These 'trumped up' charges couldn't be.
His character was strong!
Profusely, Wish was sweating now -
with bubbles large and long.

But something odd occurred just then.
As far as eye could see,
a line so long it wrapped the town -
parading endlessly.

And one by one they took the stand -
(character witnesses).
They told the judge just who Wish was
in lauding sentences.

They said that Wish was honest and
he never misbehaved.
They said he had integrity
and to the poor, he gave.

He turned red with embarrassment
at their kind words he heard.
And never had a court seen this.
It really was absurd.

They gave such praise at who he was
it seemed so very weird.
For such a long time this went on
that Wish had grown a beard.

Judge Big Mouth Bass thought very hard.
He fought himself inside.
Would Wish the Fish be guilty now?
Which way would he decide?

Judge Bass made his decision then.
It went something like this:
"I don't like Wish - but know him well.
All charges I dismiss."
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)
Grandpa Koi (introduced in story 08)
Farmer Flounder (introduced in story 08)

March 24, 2015

Wish the Fish 08 (charity) 3-24-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
Oh, Grandpa Koi liked serving folks.
He lent a helping hand
to clients, neighbors, churches -
but did they understand?

He helped because they needed him.
He helped all those he could.
He helped the poor and rich alike
because he knew he should.

For years and years he served them all -
four decades plus, in fact.
He had a real joy in it.
It was a Godly act.

Then one day something bad occurred
that took all that he had.
And that's when Koi could help no more -
so then they thought him bad.

So Grandpa Koi, now penniless,
was nowhere to be found -
but they demanded he come forth -
and stop fooling around.

They had new cars and houses too.
They had high paying jobs.
They had each gadget they could buy.
They acted just like snobs.

While they were living for themselves,
with gossiping abuzz,
the talk 'round town was Grandpa Koi
and it was all because...

...things got so bad that what they had
was rusting all away.
If Grandpa Koi was still around
they'd have some words to say!

But Koi could not afford to stay.
He moved from the grandeur
into a place with many needs -
the 'least of these', the poor.

Away from greed and selfishness,
away from beast and witch -
where friendships grew in peace and love,
that thrived despite the rich.

The Sunfish was a caring nurse.
The Trout and Koi were cooks
preparing food that Flounder grew -
while Wish wrote children's books.

Respect had crossed all racial lines
from one fish to another.
Then love and joy had filled their hearts
with smiles at each other.

The fish that Koi once lived with were
now frightened and subdued -
entangled in earth's mortal nets...
while fighting over food.
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)
Grandpa Koi (introduced in story 08)
Farmer Flounder (introduced in story 08)

March 20, 2015

Pelicans to Parasols 3-20-15

A young and pretty girl sat
with elegance and grace,
pretending to be drinking tea
in soft pink bows and lace.

Her left hand held a parasol.
Her right hand held her tea -
when gust of wind had come along
and parasol flew free.

It's light and fragile beauty soared
along with ocean breeze -
drew notice of two pelicans
above the rippled seas.

She jumped up from her plastic chair
quite shocked at what occurred.
As wind gusts blew, it skipped along.
She chased it undeterred.

The pelicans cared not a whit
to parasol she sought.
Important though, her mission was,
that parasol be caught.

Her footprints in the pure white sand
had evidenced her will,
to catch that treasured parasol
that she was chasing still.
I wonder - do we race through life
for something temporal -
on our lone life's long endless beach,
chasing something futile?

I wonder - have we failed to see
our true priority -
at banquet table with our God
and His thirst-quenching tea?

Temptation's winds deceive us to
our pretty parasols.
Are we so busy chasing them
we're deaf when Jesus calls?

Past pelicans to parasols,
we chase for things we strive.
But woe to those of us who are -
when death and Christ arrive.

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 17, 2015

Wish the Fish 07 (dignity) 3-17-15

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
It came about, Wish heard a shout
from deep inside the school
right after Shark made his remark
that Big Mouth thought was cruel.

Well, Big Mouth's rants were over pants
that sagged excessively.
He didn't care his underwear
was bared for all to see.

Now Wish showed up with coffee cup
and sat down at his desk.
It was obscene the sight he'd seen
and thought it most grotesque.

He wished he could, then knew he should -
a lesson he must teach.
He thought awhile, then slyly smiled,
and gave this little speech:

My fellow students:

Now Big Mouth Bass exemplifies all here that is fallacious
in this lone, revered world we live, in which we all must share.
His iconoclastic approach to our collective wisdom in this omnipotent environment
brought him to a definitive conclusion from which he seems not much to care.

He has a parsimonious view of others which has resulted in an entrenched desire
to expose a recrementitius portion of his (uh-hum) 'person' to others
exhibiting a total disregard and total desertion of any minuscule respect he may have had
and has brought us to this point in time, my fellow sisters and  brothers.
His absence of etiquette - not to mention his failure to bow or tip the hat, et-cet-er-a, was as a prelude
to the selfish conclusion that he knowingly exhibits upon the rest of us - is no myth.
His abominable act warrants an immediate reward of retribution for his present expose'
and as such deserves to be exercised accordingly- now, right here, forthwith.

Wish stopped, then sat - and after that
things went along quite well
for Bass's mom and dad came by
right after classroom bell.

Of 'cultured' stuff, they'd had enough -
hence screams most inhumane.
But then, when through, he answered to
the teacher, clear and plain.

Abide, he did, when Shark forbid
him showing underwear.
Yes, Bass reflected full respect
and wore his pants with care.

His seat had burned from lesson learned.
We knew that Bass was tanned.
Though pants had fit he couldn't sit.
Poor Big Mouth had to stand.
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,
(do not confuse 'dignity' with 'pride')

©2015 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Wish the Fish (introduced in story 01)
Big Mouth Bass (introduced in story 03)
Trout (introduced in story 04)
Sunfish (introduced in story 05)
Spark the Shark (introduced in story 05)